Roadside crosses are a unique phenomenon of material and spiritual culture, which contain important evidence of the ethnic history of Belarus. They are wonderful examples of traditional art, which often still reflect the experience of entire groups of wood carvers, weavers, embroiderers, and blacksmiths.
This living tradition acquires new features every year, transforming under the pressure of time and circumstances. The bearers of ancient knowledge, craftswomen and masters leave this world, and the collective experience manifests itself in new forms.
Crosses are usually decorated with ribbons, flowers, textiles - towels, belts and aprons every year before Easter. Sometimes the decoration is so abundant that the outline of the cross is completely erased over time, it takes on new forms, turning into an idol, a mystical entity hovering above the earth.
We can follow the path of transformation - from the most important symbol of sacred culture to the object of reconciliation of two conflicting worldviews, such as Christianity and paganism.
Since 2018, I have been working on a monograph exploring the status of contemporary ritual veneration of modern roadside crosses in the Polesie region. I have traveled thousands of kilometers across Belarus, visited hundreds of villages, and photographed over 560 crosses.