Research Platform on Belarusian Contemporary Art
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still life
Pinchus Kremegne
Large still life in shades of green
1950, painting. Oil on canvas, 64.8 x 54 cm
Alexander Domanov
Белый кролик
2022, painting. Холст, масло, 60 x 90 см
Lew Judin
Still life. Fish in a bottle
1930, painting. oil on canvas, 56 x 48.5exact date of creation unknown, mid-1930s
Pinchus Kremegne
Still life
1930, painting. Oil on canvas, 37.7 x 45.8 cm
Ossip Lubitch
1940, painting. Oil on canvas, 46.1 x 33.3 cm
Nadia Khodasevich Leger
Composition With Three Phases
1965, painting. Масло, холст, 65 × 92
Ivan Khrutsky
Roses and fruit
1839, painting. Oil on canvas, 48.8 x 66.3 cm
Evgenia Magaril
Autumn bouquet
1978, painting. paper, watercolor / 63 x 48.2 cm
Leonid Dudarenko
1999, painting. Холст, масло, 95 х 110 см
Anton Barkhatkov
Still life with mushrooms
1983, painting. Oil on cardboard, 38 x 66 cm
Elena Kabischer-Jakerson
Still life
1920, painting. The year is approximate.Oil on canvas, 70 x 54 cm
Lew Judin
Still life with a cup and salt shaker
1940, painting. paper, watercolor, ink, pen, 20 x 29.1
Eugeniy Zak
Bouquet of flowers
1906, painting. Oil on canvas, 34.9 x 27 cm
Heinrich Brzhovsky
Lilac in a blue jug
1970, painting. Oil on canvas, approximate year
Pinchus Kremegne
Small still life
1950, painting. Oil on canvas, 37.5 x 45.7 cm
Maksim Barodzich
2014, painting. Холст, масло. 50 × 190 см.Находится в частной коллекции
Reuben Frumak
Still life with samovar
1972, painting. Oil on canvas, 91 x 71 cm
Lew Judin
1926, painting. paper, watercolor, graphite pencil, gouache, 28 x 22.3paper, watercolor, graphite pencil, gouache, 28 x 22.3paper, watercolor, graphite pencil, gouache, 28 x 22.3
Alexander Veledzimovich
Sasha (Portrait With Camera Lucida)
2013, photo. Фотографический отпечаток25 25 см.Витебск
Masha Mаroz
Long Way Home (+ Mantra)
2020, installation, audio work. Installation "Long Way Home":3D printed objects, glass, candles, mirrors, synthetic fabricAudio "Mantra": 10'21"
Jadwiga Rozdzialowska
Flowers and fruits
1963, painting. Canvas, oil. Collection of the National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus.
Ossip Lubitch
1950, painting. Oil on canvas, 65 x 46 cm, the exact date of creation is unknown, the year is approximately
Victor Markovets
Натюрморт с кларнетом
1976, painting
Andrey Piskun
2019, painting. Oil on canvas, 60 x 60 cm
Nadia Khodasevich Leger
Composition With Flowers
1950, painting. Гуашь, тушь, бумага, 50 × 29
Lew Judin
Blue still life
1930, painting. oil on canvas / 35.7 x 53.3 cm / 1930s
Pinchus Kremegne
Large still life in blue tones
1950, painting. Oil on canvas, 64.9 x 53.8 cm
Jadwiga Rozdzialowska
1975, painting. Canvas, tempera. Collection of the National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus.
Andrey Piskun
2020, painting. Oil on canvas, 50 x 60 cm
Reuben Frumak
Still life
1960, painting. Oil on canvas, 69 x 83 cm, approximate year