eng Automatic Translation

Left-Eye Painting

Zahar Kudin May 4 – 28, 2016
Gallery "Ў", Minsk

The name of the author's direction and the exhibition project of the same name by Zakhar Kudin "Painting with the left eye" (Left eye painting) was formed on the basis of the physiological features of the artist to see with his left eye, which is affected by glaucoma. With such an "author's vision" of the surrounding world, the planes are subjected to continuous distortion, focus and understanding of the reality of objects is lost.

In this project, painting takes on the qualities of conceptual art, raising sharp philosophical and scientific questions about the evolution of vision and perception. Within the framework of such a sub-discipline as neuroaesthetics, this direction refers to the existence of a question about the standard of visual codes in the category of beauty and, moreover, about the subjectivity of their perception by a person.

The direction of Left eye painting is breaking the visual codes of consciousness, it is an opportunity to explore your own vision and perception of what you see, going beyond the verbal level of the world and its connotations.

Project curator Ilona Dergach