eng Automatic Translation

Nikolai Dundin


Artist, member of the Kvadrat (Square) group.

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Nikolai Dundin was born on October 27, 1950 in the village of Krasny Bor, Chausy district, Mogilev region. After leaving school, he entered the graphic arts department of the Vitebsk State Pedagogical Faculty, graduating in 1973. Member of the Union of Artists of the Republic of Belarus since 1991.

The cohort of Vitebsk artists of his generation was strongly influenced by the ideas of the Russian classical avant-garde of the early twentieth century. Today it seems natural, but we should not forget what time was in the yard then, and with what incredible difficulty the hungry for artistic truth had to break through the cap of the socio-cultural standard cast in the model of socialist realism and protecting everyone who dreams of walking beyond the horizon.

In 1987, the creative association "Square" was created in Vitebsk, in which Nikolai Dundin played one of the prominent roles. The main credo of the artists of the "Square" was the connection of the time-torn chain of the Vitebsk artistic renaissance of the 1920s and today's artists who think progressively and actively fit into the pan-European art context. The main business of the association became exhibitions, actions, performances, happenings, the meaning of which were objects and artifacts of the beginning of the century and modern technogenic society. One of the most interesting was the art actions at the grave of Yuri Peng, where in those days there was no monument to the famous artist - the founder of the Vitebsk art school; at the house of Marc Chagall on Pokrovskaya Street, where at that time there was no museum yet; in the city dump, where naked artists seemed to crucify themselves on the crosses of the modern exhausting world. This small, difficult and eventful period turned out to be just the very gates that opened the way to the world of another art and to the artist's own world. They opened the way to search, in the words of K. Malevich, their own surplus, structure-forming element. The works created by Nikolai Dundin since the late 80s represent a gradual deciphering, unzipping of his own code in art.

The form of his tempera of the late 80s - early 90s is due to the brutal sense of the world. Undoubtedly, the artist's passion for mythology, ancient legends and philosophical currents of the East, where the world appears as an endless primordial Unity, played a role here. Chagall's spatial shift, layering of visions, heterogeneous elements combined within the boundaries of one canvas by creative imagination, and bright coloring will become for Nikolai Dundin the key to his own artistic worldview.