eng Automatic Translation

Alexander Dosuzhev

1945 – 2014

Painter. Member of the creative association "Square".

He worked in easel painting, graphics, created collages, assemblages, objects and installations. Author of posters and posters for various exhibitions of Vitebsk artists.

The works are in the funds of the National Center for Contemporary Arts of the Republic of Belarus, the Vitebsk Art Museum, the Museum "Vitebsk Center for Contemporary Art", private collections.

The author of the PLIP concept (surface, line, spot): “The Eternal Surface is our land. Lines of rivers, roads and our destinies. Spots of forest fields and our faces are constantly changing their color (briefly: surface, line, spot) . Works on PLIP are compositions, on the one hand, simplified, on the other hand, filled with cosmological meaning.

Lived and worked in Vitebsk.

Selected events

Selected Artwork Series

Selected artworks

Associated institutions

Articles on KALEKTAR

Associated Documents

Selected dates:

October 31, 1945

Born in the village of Pukhovichi (Pukhovichi district, Minsk region, BSSR, today the Republic of Belarus).


Graduated from the art and graphic faculty of the Vitebsk State Pedagogical Institute. He studied under I. Stolyarov, A. Nekrasov, G. Klikushin.

Since 1987

Member of the creative association "Square".

Since 1990

Member of the Belarusian Union of Artists.

February 2014

Died in Vitebsk.

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  • Memoirs of Alexander Maley:

  • "The ratio of the surface, lines and spots interested Dosuzhev even in the Zhestkov cellars. The artist at first tried to introduce destructive elements into the landscape, for example, fabric flying over the city, as forms of independent origin outside the objective shaping of the landscape. Or, for example, in "Still Life with a Viennese Chair", where combinations of object perception with planar aesthetic thinking were already indicated. Already at that period, the artist’s craving for thinking with an artistic idea manifested itself. At that time, his search resulted in the final work “The Road to Winter”, which was designated by the author himself as a landmark work.

  • PLIP (surface, line, spot) - this is how the author called his conceptual idea - received proper development already in the "Square". The artist's vision of the world has changed, he began to perceive it through generalization, finding only a combination of surfaces in the landscape, transforming it into lines and planes. Surface, line and spot become the main means of the image. Dosuzhev gradually becomes interested in them and creates works where the artistic idea of PLIP is the main content. As a result, the artist develops from rethinking what he sees through the art form to creating his own world of his own form. In parallel with the planar solutions, Dosuzhev's canvas has volumetric-spatial PLIPs. Such works gravitated towards the object.

  • Dosuzhev's work synthesizes tashism, thinking in a stain of the 50s and conceptualism of the 70s, where the artistic idea was the main aesthetic content, and also correlates through volumetric-spatial PLIPs with Lissitzky's prouns - the shaping of space with the help of volume and plane. In all these cases there is no direct analogy, but there is an aesthetic involvement. A craving for conceptual thinking manifested itself in Alexander in all the performances and actions that Kvadrat did.

  • Dosuzhev always played one of the leading roles in the creation of these works. PLIPs for Dosuzhev of that time are the gradual movement of the artist towards pure art, in which art itself is the main object of the image " . - © Alexander Maley: Vitebsk "Square": An artistic study of the nonconformist movement of artists in Vitebsk and Minsk (1987–2000) , 179 pages