eng Automatic Translation

Valentin Gubarev


Primitive artist.

The characters of his paintings are simple people, but disinterested, pure in heart, who have no commercial streak, but have a desire for happiness. The plots are often based on memories of childhood and youth, nostalgic motifs, details of the life of the Soviet era.

The artist has a bright personality and a special vision of the world: "...the paintings often describe the everyday life of small provincial towns, but a special meaning is always hidden behind the caricature features of their inhabitants."

Lives and works in Minsk.

Associated institutions

Selected dates:


Born in the year in the city of Gorky , Russia (today Nizhny Novgorod). He graduated from the Gorky Art College , then the graphic department of the Moscow Polygraphic Institute .


Moved to Belarus . He was engaged in illustrating books, worked as an artist in a publishing house.


Participates in republican and international art exhibitions.


Gubarev's personal exhibitions are held annually in France.


Member of the Belarusian Union of Artists . Honorary member of the art association "Masterpiece" (Germany).


Signed an exclusive contract with the gallery "Les Tournesols" (Paris),


Signed an exclusive contract with the art gallery "La Sandr-art" (Minsk).


On the capital's Yakub Kolas Square, the works of Valentin Gubarev were presented in an open-air exhibition project.

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  • Gubarev's works are in museums and private collections around the world (National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus, Zimmerly Art Museum (USA), galleries "Schaer und Wildbolz" (Switzerland), "Kunststuck" (Germany), private collections in Russia, USA, England, Japan, Spain, Israel, Germany and others).

The works are exhibited at auctions "Christie`s" (London), "Drouot Richelieu" and "Taschen" (Paris), "KINSKY" (Vienna).


The artist about his practice:

"I love ordinary people. How does a good job turn out? My recipe: you need to salt and pepper it with different feelings. After all, even in the most hooligan ditty there is sadness and nostalgic feelings. When there is a lot of this, then the picture turned out ... We must be more responsible about to your creativity, Valentin! Take a thermometer, shove it under the armpit of an Englishman, Russian or Frenchman, it will show the temperature of the human body everywhere. So is the real picture, they show the temperature of human feelings, energy. Everyone understands this. "

“What does a person consist of? Sixty percent of the past, thirty of the present, ten of the future are what he dreams of. Everyone has their own alignment, but something like this. I have a direct relationship. My art is not laboratory-bred, but natural, environmentally friendly. They say my painting is light. Maybe. It is very important here which way you went. I did not know a hungry existence. And the girls did not leave me. Valentin Gubarev them I didn’t offend either. I don’t have such notches: I’m not beaten by women and hunger. I’m not a recluse and I like to peer into modern life. I’m not nostalgic with a tear for the past, but it entered my blood ... " .

"Do you know how they write about me on posters in France? "Valentin Gubarev ... Born ... Nizhny Novgorod, Belarusian" "" .