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Mir foto (museum-gallery)

2004 – 2010
The Mir Photo Gallery has become one of the few private galleries in Belarus that specializes in working with photography.

Associated Documents

Selected dates:

September 2004

The gallery has opened . The basis of the fund was Viktor Suglob's personal collection of cameras, which amounted to about 500 copies. Over the years of activity, the number of exhibits has increased to almost 1500.

The first exhibition was called “From the history of photography in Belarus”. The exposition united the works of more than 70 authors and covered the period from 1862 (the first mention of photography in Belarus) to 1989, the year of the 150th anniversary of photography.

Thanks to the efforts of the curator of the gallery, the famous Belarusian photographer Yuri Vasiliev, the gallery could see the author's collections of recognized masters of photography Vitaly Butyrin (Lithuania), Toshika Ozawa (Japan), Valdis Brauns (Latvia), Valery Fedorenko, Oleg Yarovenko, Vladimir Bazan (Belarus) and others, as well as the work of talented young authors. On the basis of the gallery, training seminars, discussions, photography courses, creative meetings were held.

March 2010

The gallery and the museum ceased to exist . The current economic situation forced the management to decide to close the photo museum.