eng Automatic Translation

Equation of state

November 20 – December 6, 2020
Minsk, Belarus
Artists Ekaterina Kuzmichova, Maria Karneenko, Alexander Veledimovich, Andrey Kuzmianok, Alexander Zyankovich, Herman Dombrovsky, Alexander Soldatova, Ihar Savchenko, Ihar Honcharuk, Lilia Gryn, Ekaterina Malama, curator Dina Danilovich are the authors of the equation of state, which connects the parameters of modernity. The project was implemented jointly with the Belarusian Public Association of Photographers.

Selected Artwork Series

"Equation of State" is an interaction of personal statements of eleven authors, between which a special connection is revealed, possible only under the circumstances "here and now". They are combined into an open system localized in one place. The formula of modernity is difficult to calculate. If it is pain, fear and suffering, then the consciousness squeezes them out. If pleasure - dissolves. Modernity can exist in the language of artists as something temporary, barely tangible. At the same time, the meaning is born in the past day, it is always a kind of return to what was. Meaning is not held by memory, like an emotion or fleeting sensation, but by the mind. Almost all projects today acquire new connotations in the changing context of time and place, combining with new conditions: social, ethical, psychological..., rethinking familiar concepts, familiar connections, breaking stereotypes of perception. Here, the project artists use the medium of photography in various forms and strategies of creating a visual image: from moderation and documentation of some artistic action to transforming obscure objects of ordinary life into an art object, from broadcasting personal intimate experiences to "photographs of consequences" or "impact photos" etc.

Text by Olga Rybchinsky