eng Automatic Translation

Victor Shilko

1952 – 2023

Works in different genres of easel painting. The artist's work is known far beyond the borders of the republic. His works were exhibited at exhibitions in Austria, Spain, Germany, USA, Finland, Poland, Korea, United Arab Emirates. Viktor Alexandrovich is a member of the creative association "Kvadrat", laureate of the 1st International Chagall Plein Air.

Selected events

Selected Artwork Series

Selected artworks

Associated institutions

Articles on KALEKTAR

Associated Documents

Selected dates:

July 14, 1952

Born in the village of Zarechye , Gorodok district, Vitebsk region (BSSR, today the Republic of Belarus).


Graduated from the graphic arts department of the Vitebsk State Pedagogical Institute named after Kirov .


Personal exhibition in Novopolotsk.

Since 1986

Member of the Belarusian Union of Artists .


Member of the creative association "Square" . The first exhibition of artists of TO "Square" was held in the hall of the Union of Artists of the BSSR in Minsk.


Exhibition dedicated to the 110th anniversary of Kazimir Malevich in the hall of the Union of Artists of the BSSR in Minsk.


Personal exhibition in Vitebsk.


Exhibition of participants of the I International Chagall Plein Air , Vitebsk. Plein air laureate;

Exhibition of participants of the I International Plein Air "Malevich. UNOVIS. Modernity" , Vitebsk.


Personal exhibition of graphics at the National Library of Belarus in Minsk;

Personal exhibition of painting, Vitebsk.


Exhibition in the group "Orshitsa" (Art Gallery), Minsk.


Personal exhibition of graphics (National Library), Minsk.


Exhibition of the "Master" group (Republican Art Gallery), Minsk;

Personal exhibition, Novopolotsk.


Personal exhibition of painting, Vitebsk.


Group exhibition of members of the Belarusian Union of Artists V. Shilko, A. Maley, A. Dosuzhev, V. Schastny "Four in one space" (UK Museum "Vitebsk Center for Contemporary Art"), Vitebsk.


Exhibition "Portrait of the City" , Vitebsk;

Exhibition-project Vasilyeva Just-Now (MC "Museum" Vitebsk Center of Contemporary Art ""), Vitebsk;

Exhibition ABSTRACT , Vitebsk;

Exhibition "Intersection of Feelings" (MC "Museum "Vitebsk Center for Contemporary Art", Vitebsk;

Exhibition "Vitebsk Artists of the late 20th - early 21st century" , Vitebsk;

Exhibition "Allegretto. Artists of Vitebsk" , Minsk, Grodno (MC "Museum "Vitebsk Center of Contemporary Art"), Vitebsk;

Exhibition dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the association "Kvadrat" (MC "Museum "Vitebsk Center of Contemporary Art"), Vitebsk;

Exhibition dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the Vitebsk organization of artists, Minsk.


Exhibition "25 years of the "Square" (Vitebsk Art Museum), Vitebsk;

Exhibition "Portrait of the City" (MC "Museum "Vitebsk Center of Contemporary Art"), Vitebsk;

Exhibition ABSTRACT , Vitebsk;

Exhibition "MUZA. Artists of Vitebsk, Minsk, Grodno" (MC "Museum "Vitebsk Center of Contemporary Art"), Vitebsk;

Personal exhibition "Retro" , Vitebsk;

Exhibition "Art Season" (MC "Museum "Vitebsk Center of Contemporary Art"), Vitebsk.


Exhibition ABSTRACT (MC "Museum "Vitebsk Center of Contemporary Art"), Vitebsk.

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  • Alexander Maley:

  • "After a trip to Gurzuf, where the head of the group in the House of Creativity was Mikhail Rudakov, a famous Moscow painter, from the sixties, a master of color and color, a kind and spiritually rich man, Viktor radically changed as an artist. And even if V. Shilko did not study with him as a teacher educational institution, M. Rudakov became a real teacher for Viktor.After Gurzuf, Viktor very quickly abandoned figurative painting and came to non-objective creativity.

  • If A. Solovyov of the senior artists was perhaps the first and only one in the whole country to remain faithful to abstract painting, continuing the traditions of the Russian avant-garde, then Viktor Shilko became the first representative of the younger generation who took up this baton. V. Shilko is a born painter; a person who was born a painter, and therefore it is given to him to understand and feel painting deeper and more penetratingly than other artists, for whom it is just material - one of the means of expression.

  • During his stay in the "Square" V. Shilko was at first the only representative of non-objective painting and, I think, one of the few in the entire informal movement of Belarusian artists. The rest of the artists, whose names now represent abstract painting, turned to it a little later. By the beginning of the 1990s. V. Shilko's non-objective painting acquired stylistic stability, which was expressed in a combination of a pure pictorial plane with an emotional outburst of tint layers that invaded the planar structural leaven.

  • Stylistic "disagreements" were united by a figurative color loaded with artistic content. As a result, a thinking fabric of pictorial material arose, which represented the content of the work. This was most clearly manifested in such works as "Composition" (1990), "Kiss of Judas" (1992), "Meeting" (1992), "Dialogue" (1992), "Version" (1994), etc. Unlike improvised expressionism of V. Kandinsky, the abstract painting of V. Shilko is more concrete. Each work, as a rule, has not only a specific title, but also a strict organization with the help of precise emotional content. Moreover, the works of this period are not addressed to natural phenomena, but to the sensations of the state of the human soul - "Flight over the blue lake", "Holiday", "Game", etc. Based on the legacy of the classical avant-garde, which, in turn, reflected nature and metaphysical ideas about it, V. Shilko creates his own metaphysics of “living pictorial material”, correlating it with a sensual idea of the world " . - © Alexander Maley: Vitebsk "Square" : An Artistic Study of the Nonconformist Movement of Artists in Vitebsk and Minsk (1987–2000), 212 pp.