eng Automatic Translation

The Museum of Photography named after Sigismund Yurkovsky

Vitebsk, st. Tolstoy, 7
  • Андрей Духовников
  • Сигизмунд Юрковский

The museum was created to present the history of the development of world photography, including the work of photographers from Vitebsk. In 1867, Sigismund Yurkovsky opened a photo studio in Vitebsk on Zamkova Street. In 1882 he invented the instantaneous photographic shutter, and in 1883 the curtain-slit shutter, which became the prototype of modern camera shutters. The exposition presents the history of photography from its invention to the present day. The museum is interesting for everyone who is passionate about photography, as well as the history of Belarus and the city of Vitebsk. The museum has a photo club.