

Maria Komarova , Světlana Silič 2018
Performance, 2018, Prague

“ČBRŠK” is an excursion to the periphery of life in post-Soviet countries where the believing in bright future has failed. Instead of this came an era of stagnation which seems to be so far still the same. It is an ironic social drama which shows delicate nuances of marginal life, deepness of the feelings of hope and hopelessness.

By playing with personal nostalgia, PYL is transforming the famous Soviet plot of children’s story from 1966, characters of which became one of the most popular figures in the whole country.

The scenography of the performance is inspired by the aesthetics of Russian interiors, exteriors and the so-called “ЖКХ-арт” (eng. “utilities-art”). This term refers to products from various cheap materials which are usually used for decorating of yards and playgrounds in housing estates.