eng Automatic Translation

Mikalai Vasileuski

1904 – 1938

An artist, a distinctive feature of Nikolai Vasilevsky’s work is his caricatures. In them, the artist exposes the problems of social and national oppression, the policy of the Polish government in Western Belarus.

He worked on book design and children's magazines.

The works of Nikolai Vasilevsky note the realism of Belarusian life, the Belarusian school, attention to national traditions, features of landscapes and folk architecture.

Selected artworks

Articles on KALEKTAR

Associated Documents

Selected dates:


Born in the village of Sinyavskaya Sloboda, Derevnyanskaya parish. Oshmyansky u. Vilna Governorate (Russian Empire, now the Republic of Belarus).


Vasilevsky was first arrested together with his father at the age of sixteen. As a "family member of the convicted person" he was sentenced to deportation.


How a graphic designer created the cover for the Belarusian Calendar.


Returns to the BSSR, hopes to receive an art education and works as a cartoonist in newspapers of that time.

September 12, 1933

Arrested as a member of the Belarusian National Center.

January 9, 1934

The OGPU board convicted under Art. Art. 58-6-9-11 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR for 8 years of camp. He served his sentence in Solovki.

February 14, 1938

On February 14, 1938, a special troika of the UNKVD LO sentenced him to capital punishment for “counter-revolutionary agitation among prisoners.”

February 17, 1938

Shot in Solovki.