

Volha Savich 2018
9 работ, ~ 30 х 40см каждая

A small old suitcase with a lot of torn photos.

My first desire was to put it all together, restore it and understand the history of those album. But when I had been folding it, I realized that even if these pieces became a whole picture, the image "did not speak" with me. I cannot feel any personal feelings with these photos, because I do not share any personal experience with it. Why they were thrown out - I do not know, but being lost their owners, these photos have lost their stories.

In the collages, I used fragments of Minsk, the city in which I live. This city has complicated relations with the preservation of cultural memory and history.  Time, as far as it possible, erases the face of the city or changes it beyond recognition. Finding old wallpaper on the street, notebooks, things I thought was also history, a personal, intimate history of the city. So found objects and fragments of pictures put together in a family album of the city.

The "Album" is made in a collage technique, is assembled from the fragments of another's being, but already with other new stories.

Belarus. 2018