eng Automatic Translation

Valery Schastny


Belarusian artist. Graduated from the graphic arts department of the Vitebsk State Pedagogical Institute named after Kirov. Member of the Belarusian Union of Artists. Lives in Verkhnedvinsk. Works in easel painting, graphics, watercolors.

Selected events

Selected Artwork Series

Selected artworks

Associated institutions

Articles on KALEKTAR

Associated Documents

Selected dates:

May 23, 1951

Born in the city of Verkhnedvinsk, Vitebsk region.


Graduated from the graphic arts department of the Vitebsk State Pedagogical Institute named after Kirov.


Member of the Belarusian Union of Artists.


Group art exhibition "On the Buryat section of the BAM".


Group art exhibition "In memory of I. I. Veremiev";

Group art exhibition of the creative association "Square".


Group art exhibition of applicants for entry into the Union of Artists of the BSSR;

Group art exhibition of the creative association "Kvadrat" "Ecology and Culture", Vitebsk.


Exhibition "Ways of Searches and Finds" (exhibition hall of the Union of Artists of Belarus), Vitebsk.


Exhibition "Christian World. III Millennium" (exhibition hall of the Union of Artists of Belarus), Vitebsk;

Personal exhibition (exhibition hall of the Union of Artists of Belarus), Vitebsk.


Reporting exhibition on the plein air of N. Orda (exhibition hall of the Management Company "Museum" Vitebsk Center of Contemporary Art ""), Vitebsk.


Final plein-air exhibition by I. Khrutsky (exhibition hall of the Management Company "Museum" Vitebsk Center of Contemporary Art ""), Vitebsk;

Exhibition "Four in one space" (exhibition hall of the Management Company "Museum" Vitebsk Center of Contemporary Art ""), Vitebsk;

Reporting plein air exhibition "Next to Uncle Yazep" (exhibition hall of the Management Company "Museum" Vitebsk Center of Contemporary Art ""), Vitebsk;

Personal exhibition (Art gallery), Polotsk.


Reporting exhibition on the plein air dedicated to the 85th anniversary of V. Bykov (exhibition hall of the Management Company "Museum" Vitebsk Center of Contemporary Art ""), Vitebsk;

Reporting exhibition on the open air by I. Khrutsky (Vitebsk Art Museum), Vitebsk;

Exhibition dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the art and graphics faculty of the Vitebsk State University. P. M. Masherova (exhibition hall of the Management Company "Museum" Vitebsk Center of Contemporary Art ""), Vitebsk.


Exhibition based on the results of the plein air dedicated to Jan Borshchevsky (exhibition hall of the Management Company "Museum" Vitebsk Center of Contemporary Art ""), Vitebsk.


Exhibition "Osveya Christmas Star" (House of Culture), Osveya;

Exhibition "625 years of Verkhnedvinsk" (Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary), Verhnedvinsk;

Personal exhibition "Signs of Unity" (Vitebsk Art Museum), Vitebsk; (Church of the Holy Trinity), Dokshitsy;

Group anniversary exhibition with A. Slepov, V. Volnov (VUP "Republican Art Gallery" NGO "Belarusian Union of Artists"), Minsk.


Exhibition "Belarusian Art Alphabet" (Vitebsk Art Museum), Vitebsk;

Exhibition "Book Graphics" (VUP "Republican Art Gallery" NGO "Belarusian Union of Artists"), Minsk;

Exhibition "Belabstractionism" (National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus), Minsk;

Exhibition "Square - 25" (Vitebsk Art Museum), Vitebsk;

Collective exhibition "The Bells of Rositsa" dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Rositsa Church (Verkhnedvinsky district, Vitebsk region).


Traveling exhibitions based on the results of Y. Drozdovich's plein-airs (Vitebsk Art Museum), Vitebsk; (Picture Gallery), Polotsk; Lepel, Novopolotsk, Sharkovshchina;

Exhibition "ABSTRACT-2013" (exhibition hall of the Union of Artists of Belarus), Vitebsk.


Retrospective exhibition "Space of Tradition" following the results of the Drozdov Plein Airs (Vitebsk Art Museum), Vitebsk;

Retrospective exhibition "Space of Tradition" based on the results of the Drozdov Plein Airs (Regional Center for Crafts and National Cultures), Polotsk;

Traveling exhibition dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus, Vitebsk, Lepel, Novopolotsk, Orsha, Dubrovno;

Exhibition "In Search of Atlantis", Parafyanovo;

Exhibition "Art Alphabet" (Vitebsk Art Museum), Vitebsk.

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  • Memoirs of Alexander Maley:

  • "In the work of V. Schastny, two seemingly opposite sides are originally combined - folk and spiritual art - with the constructivism of the Russian avant-garde. In the "pre-square" period in his work, this happened separately. Soil addictions were realized through traditional realism, albeit with their own plastic face, and the constructivist beginnings were realized in abstract form creation.The first work in which, from my point of view, the artist finally found an aesthetic reconciliation with his worldview, was a work dedicated to the national holiday of Ivan Kupala, presented in 1988 at an exhibition dedicated to 110- the anniversary of the birth of K. Malevich Here the artist came to the aesthetics of the sign, rightly discovering the connection between folk symbolism and the cosmic origin of the sign in general.

  • Any sign has a constructive structure, and the artist skillfully combined its artistic design with the spiritual essence of the origin. During his stay in the "Square" Valery in his work managed to create a unique metaphysical synthesis of the sign, construction and spirit, which I would define as "sign constructivism". From my point of view, this is a rather original example of modern rethinking of the historical heritage. His constructivism is unlike anything, both from the point of view of the constructivist tendencies of Tatlin and Rodchenko (in the classical definition of their work), and from the point of view of contemporary concrete-constructive art.

  • Undoubtedly, Shchastny's sign constructivism gravitates more toward the concretely constructive, since it contains the concrete (sign), but the metaphysical and spiritual basis of sign-vision makes his works more mysterious and spiritualized, and therefore different. The artist himself structures the signs, creating his own world, a world of mystery, hope and transcendent knowledge.

  • The metaphysical aesthetics of UNOVIS, the work of the original Belarusian artist Yazep Drozdovich, the symbolism of folk art, the cosmic pictogram of historical signs - this is what formed the artist in the "square" period . and Minsk (1987–2000), 188 pp.