eng Automatic Translation



An association founded by Vitaly Kalgin (Bismarck), the only member of which was the artist himself.

The artist calls the project a commercial-mythological association.

Later, Vitaly Kalgin himself was called Bismarck.

Selected events

Selected Artwork Series

Selected artworks

Associated institutions

Articles on KALEKTAR

Associated Documents

(name Vital Razhkou, al so Vitali Skivitsa, Vitali Kalgin, now Vitali-Hippocrates Kalgin). Born on the 25th of April, 1959 in Minsk city. Studied in the Minsk Art School of Alexey Glebov (1974–1978) at Oleg Rakovsky’s and Leonid Lapchinsky’s. The organizer and participant of commercial and mythological association “Bismarck” (since 1987). A participant of exhibitions since 1984, also he has been dealing with art events and personally subjective performances since 1999.