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Belarusian State University of Culture and Arts

BGUKI.Minsk, st. Rabkorovskaya, 17 (main building); st. Moscow, 18; st. Moscow, 18a; st. Kalinovsky, 12.

The institution of higher education "Belarusian State University of Culture and Arts" (BSUKI) was created on the basis of the Minsk Institute of Culture, which began functioning in 1975. The structure of BSUKI includes 4 faculties (the faculty of cultural studies and socio-cultural activities, the faculty of music and choreographic art, the faculty of Artistic Culture, Faculty of Information and Document Communications), Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Personnel, 25 special and general university departments. On the site you can find more information about the university and its areas of study.


Selected dates:


The Belarusian State University of Culture and Arts was founded.


The Minsk Institute of Culture was transformed into the Belarusian University of Culture. There was a large-scale reorganization of faculties and departments, which led to the training of specialists in new specialties and specializations.


The status of the leading higher educational institution in the national system of education in the field of culture was assigned.


Institute management:

Karchevskaya Natalia, rector

Korsakova Elena, Vice-Rector for Research

Shparlo Svetlana, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs