eng Automatic Translation

Algerd Maliszewski

1922 – 1989
Фото: журнал "Культура"


His work is characterized by open emotionality, drama, a desire for artistic and artistic research. He is one of those who asserted his art in the 1960s. It was then that the thematic and figurative mode of all art expanded in the country, and its plastic language was renewed and enriched. Innovation and optimism, dissatisfaction with what has been achieved and constant search - these were the norms of Malysheuski's professional and social activities throughout his life.


Selected events

Selected artworks

Associated Documents

Selected dates:

September 8, 1922

He was born in Bobruisk . Here he studied at school, worked hard. After that, he lost his father and ended up in an orphanage. During the Great Patriotic War, Malyshewski, like many of his comrades, took the path of partisan struggle .


Entered the Kharkiv Art Institute (Ukraine).


He came to Minsk and became a teacher at the Minsk Art School . Pedagogical activity over a long period of time is a rather significant aspect of his creative biography. In the diary notes of Globus, who studied with Malysheuski, there is the following entry: "Learning painting and composition from Algerd Malysheuski was considered a great honor. He was the number one teacher at the Minsk Art School... Fashions changed, moods changed, idols changed, but he remained the first. It is important for the school to have authoritative teachers... During my studies, the Minsk Art School was Malyshewski".


He was admitted to the Belarusian Union of Artists . Since the same year, he has participated in art exhibitions: national and personal; individual works were exhibited at all-Union and international art exhibitions.


His works were exhibited in the GDR, Great Britain, Italy, Canada, Germany, Ethiopia.

Already the first works - landscapes, the artist for the first time clearly expressed his decorative and plastic searches in the field of artistic form, and then he transferred what he found into paintings, portraits and still lifes. The viewer's attention is attracted by the noble simplicity and clarity of feelings, the accurate transmission of a certain state of nature in each specific case. In addition to works of the landscape genre, the artist actively worked in the field of portraiture, still life, on thematic canvases. The range of plot-thematic paintings is very wide: the heroic struggle of the Soviet people against fascism, the fate of the homeless during the civil war, contemporary events.


Honored Artist of the BSSR .


Together with a group of like-minded artists, he created the creative association "Nyamiga-17" , whose members set themselves the task of renewing the poetics and plastic language of domestic painting. The creation of this and some other "informal" associations of artists was a striking and unusual phenomenon in the context of the development of Belarusian artistic culture at the end of the 20th century. In the wave of the first years of perestroika, a lot was written about them in the media, and their works were exhibited at various exhibition venues.

February 1988

The first exhibition of the "Nyamigo-17" group , which was exhibited in the halls of the Palace of Arts "...became a surprise and even a surprise not only for the audience, but also for fellow artists... The exhibition surprised with the integrity of the exposition and non-standard, unusual gifts, independence of opinions about time and about himself...", Krepak noted.

Malysheuski's works are kept in the National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus, the Museum of Modern Fine Arts in Minsk, the funds of the Belarusian Union of Artists, the Ministry of Culture of Russia.