
Union Form

Разработка кооператива «КООПАР» Художник С. С. Мельников АТ 13956/6.02.89. Зак. 2452.Тир. 10 000 экз. Цена 50 коп. Минская фабрика цветной печати Адрес оргкомитета «Формы»: 220078, Г. Минск, Мельникайте, 22-а теп. 23-07-84 Address of the Organizing Committee: Minsk, Melnikaite, 22-a Phone 23-07-84

Selected artworks

Articles on KALEKTAR

THE «FORM» ASSOCIATI The members of the «Form» Association are the artists who differ in age and creative tendencies. But all of them are of the same opinion that development of the Art is very much the development of the Form.

That's why the Association was named «Form». Its formation is the reaction to the lasting struggle of dogmatic trend against the so called «formalism».

The Association was founded in 1987 after a group of unofficial artists was invited to exhibit their pictures in the town of Kohtla-Yarve in Estonia. Later the Exhibition in the State Estonian Museum «Kadriorg» in Tallinn took place, it was followed by the Exhibitions in Minsk and once again in Estonia during the All-Union Seminar on the problems of Unofficial Art in Narva in May 1988.

The present publication confirms the fact of fruitful cooperation between the SPC «CENTER» and the artistic association «FORM». Taking the grate part of concern, «CENTER» gives the artists vast opportunities for intensive creative activity, which raises confidence in everybody.

The artists and the organizer are greatful to everybody who helped to organize this Exhibition and are looking forward to further contacts.

A. V. Belov. Date of Birth — 1961

1. Persons on the Square, 1988, oil on canvas, 160X170

2. Three Squares of Black Water, triptych, 1988, oil on canvas, 130X130

3. Klouris, 1988, tempera on canvas, 160X250.

4. The Season of Cockchafers, 1987, tempera on canvas, 160X160

V. P. Bobrov, Date of Birth — 1945

5. Susanna and Old Men, 1988, oil on canvas, 115X95

6. Spectrum (triptych), 1988, oil on cancas, 115X95 (3).

7. Evening, 1988, oil on canvas, 115X95

8. The Pyramid, 1988, oil on canvas, 115X95

D. R. Ermilov. Date of Birth — 1958

1. Gallows, 1987, oil canvas, 140X100

2. Still Life, 1986, oil on canvas, 30X30

3. The Tree of Childhood, 1988, oil on canvas, 140 X 100

4. The Man Who Runs Away, 1987, tempera on canvas, 210X 180

V. A. Lappo. Date of Birth — 1963

1. Composition, 1986, tempera on oil, 115X95

V. I. Martynchik, Date of Birth — 1948

1. Feast in Province, 1985, oil on canvas, 220X200

2. Consolation Zone, 1987, oil on canvas, 220X200

3. Exile from Paradise, 1988, oil on canvas, 220X200

4. Provocation, 1979, oil on canvas, 220X200

5. Composition, 1983, oil on canvas, 220X200

6. Composition, 1983, oil on canvas, 75X250

V. L. Petrov, Date of Birth — 1957.

1. Warewolves of the Dead Lake, 1981, oil on canvas, 210X90

2. Genesis, triptych, 1987, oil on canvas, 240X116

3. Flying Back, 1988, oil on canvas, 150Х100

4. The Swimming Mine, 1988, oil on canvas, 150X100

A. I. Zabavchik Date of Birth — 1958

1. Paultergaste. Life Deprivation, 1988, oil on canvas, 150X100

2. Paultergaste. The XX-th Century, 1988, oil on canvas, 150Х100