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eng Automatic Translation

Bismarck's Manifesto

Bismarck 1988

MANIKHVEST kamertsyyna-mіtalyagichnaga zadzіnochannya "BISMARK"

The current dzyarzhaўka is the praces of the ab'yadnannya of the people. You have an absolute albo abmezhavanae, a parliamentary camp of a kirunk, a republic and a manarchy, an evaluating and revaluing salon spirit. Chynoўnіkі, іnzhenery i akhvіtsery - kaalіtsyya skolўshys grammaticіh grupаў - bureaucrats and bureaucracy - tsі svoboda chalavechey asoby?

Culture and asabistas?!

Nabytak chalavetstva in the galіna hvaўny and khvlyora, adamashanna, national parks and sacred territories, springy vidy, grammatical asabistast, violent and fractional asabistast, lands donated and addaniya ў lennae ўtra manne, farming and renting karystanne, excavation miliyaratsy, land and hvinansy, agulnaya kartsina vytvorchastsі hіba nya haas dyy gills?

Pramyslovasts dy gandal?!

Hutkasts razvіtsya modern pramyslovatsі, asabisty warehouse pratsўn, razyadnanny pratsy, floating machine vytvorchasі, butcher's haste and ўpadak, shepherd baratsba ў hvabrychna-Zavatskaya right celebration nyazdarny adnosiny and gramatskaga dabra dyktuyutsya. In the handiwork, there is a padak shtuchnaga handl. Caravans, kіrmashy, mytnі. A simple capital law, let mahlyarstva, gypsies and zhyds, pretending to disintegrate - not buying and selling?

Religion and science - pershapchatkovye adzinstva - then baratzba?!

Pamіzh relіgіyay dy navuku - statistik cult at your own geagrahvіchnym demarcation. Christianity, Islam, Budyzm - not a pasty smoothing of dagmatov, but ale haўrus of reactionary forces. Vakol religious tsvyardyns of manakhi and manashki, the church and pennies, the magnificence of science, the pazity Vedas and mysticism, science and sciences.

Vykhavanne, infallible adukatsyi z vyhavannya ў pershabytnyh narodў. I’m not a fancy school, I’m not a sane student, I’m not a good student, I’m a smoker, I’m not a narmal pastan’s higher education - this is a disintegrating science.

And ўseagulnaya mova, ўseagulnaya gigiena, naradzhenne peknae people - are esthetic vyhavanne.

Art is free!

Go ahead! Science, craftsmanship and nature!

Mastery - geta zhytstse!

Pragres. Pragres!! Praz vyznachenne words ў patched eyelids. Geo-legal evaluation is a paragres dy regres of historical warfare and nature of the simplest primitive nations.

Ale, the folding of the daily zamamadapom helped the national law of the fire, conquering the pastors and the hour, conquering the bread - there is a waste of energy. Pragres byazumoўna ysnue.

P.S. We have passed.

We have three slogans:

kalenizatsy / kaleniren /

ўperad / hvorverts /



know a hundred German words

in charge of the council of Vyalikag Chancellor

dzelnіchats in bird soymas

We have created the gallery of Vyalikag Chancellor.

Leather new pastor pisha ў alley partrete by Ott Eduard Leapold hwon Shonkhaveen.

Pratsyagvaetstsa campaign of KULTURKAMFU ў svyazі z z kakou mіts pravodzіstsa provozlenné and kalenіzatsyya hereyshae i amezhnaya yaystsovatsі (behvrayung und kalyonіzatsyonplyats) and arganizuyutstsa ablogs on blyandynaў.

We are for a harmoniously developed asoba, in a kind of pekny and Cape skhilnasts zbalensavany / harmaniparson /.

Buduetstsa BAЎХАЎС-tsytadelya mastatstva, dze mayutsya adbyvatstva mastatstva creative practices, and taxama lіbarpunktsy /lіbarrevaluuts'yon paragraphs of albo sexual-revaluation bases/.

Choltsami kamertsyina-metalyagichnaga zadzіnochannya "BISMARK" can be any modern dzeyachy mastak dy lihay healthy zhanchyna, a healthy transfer of tsyazhkasci revaluation way / forshgezundvayb /.

We are brewing the cantsesyum of the shanoўtsаў Vyalіkag Kantslyar, who can have ўvaystsі skin not at all and the memory of Vyalіkaya Asoba chalavek. Minimal monthly periods for U.A. Pry dasyagnennі sums deposited to choltsy kantsesyumu ў hvond kamertsyina-mіtalyagіchnaga zadzіnochannya koshtu pratsy, albo prats, choltsў zadzіnochannya, the pit is given out pratsa tі prapanouetsa choice of prats holtsў zadzіnochannya. Asoby, yakіya ўvaishli ў kola choltsў kantsesyumu and pershaga jelly thousand dzevyazzot vasyamdzyasyat dzyavyataga year atrymlіvayuts pratsy holtsў zadzіnochannya na minimal taryhve /fortsungbedyngung/ /setku taryhvaў looking lower/.

There is a dance of lakalny and international auctions, exhibitions, actions and handicrafts and an admirable reshta similar to Pabud's floating sculptures of Bismarck / Grosshvimskulptur /.

"BISMARK" hellish piles of happiness, cantors, and traditions in rose-colored meats of the suveta / except for the Turks, which is acquiring Kanstantynopal/ Leny asobami and groups asob.

Hvond "BISMARK" includes a pebble kalyaniyalna-geagrahvichnaya adzinka: Bismarck archipelago, New Britain, and one from the sleeping groups of Melanezy ў Calm akiyane, and a nightly ўizhodu hell of New Guinea, pamizh 1°-7° rainy and 146° and 153° cold weather. Part of the padapekavae terytory AAN New Guinea / fall to the Australian Zvyazu / warehouses z dzvoh vyalіkіh vyspaў / New Britannia, New Ireland /, vyspаў Adzmiralteistva dy іnshikh large fractional.

The area is near 50 thousand square meters. Population 218 thousand chalaveks / 1966 / - Malayanese and Papuans. Violent outcroppings are rough / on the New Brytania highland ў towers 2300 meters /, fractional volcanic and karalyavy; Mayuzza dzeynyya volcanoes. Vіlgotna-equatar'yalnyya lyasy.

Cocoa palm grows, bananas, succulent thrush, tytun, bavonik. Fisheries, low pearl. Significant settlements of the th party: Rabaul, / vyspa New Britain /, Kavieng / vyspa New Ireland /, Lorengau / vyspa Adzmiralteystva /. Adkryty ў 1616 to the Galandians V.Skhautenam and Y.Lemers; Hell 1864 the Germanic Kaleniyai was named after Ott Bismarck. In 1988, a branch of the kamertsyyna-metalagіchnaga zadzіnochannya "BISMARK" was established.

Vine to Prince Hohenzolyarn!

Leninsky prashpekt - prashpekt of Vyalikag Dyktar!

Street of Karl Marx - street of Max Lieberman!

Frydrich Engels Street - Ostrstrasse!

Parking highway - Kaputstrasse!


Auto plant dy traktarny - reserve!


We are blessed with bayava slans and massive venerary zahvorvanni!

Gave Ciaşescu!

Try W.A. - trysta U.A. - minimal tarahv!

Trysta U.A. - three thousand - syaredni taryhv!

Three thousand - three billion - grostarykhf!

BISMARK List of people:

Matyas Rust.


Asabisty warehouse of the aircraft carrier "Nimits".

Maciej Rustau.

Bakunin. /familiar/.

Prince Krapotkin /pasmyarotna/.

Genadz Khatskevich-Mensky.

Goth mіt uns!


Kamertsyina-mіtalyagichnae zadzіnochanne "BISMARK"

The new grid of tarikhvaў was installed on 22.07.97.