


OM Podcast
Episodes 3 and 4: Museum and Community
Museum and community:Part 1 – Care and SupportPart 2 – Solidarity and ResistanceThe third and fourth issues are dedicated to discussing the place of museums in the functioning of infrastructures of care and support for the needs of communities in different contexts., curator and researcher, and , curator, critic and researcher take part in the conversation. Reflecting on their own curatorial projects, guests share a vision of the museum as a field of struggle and a place for public dissent against hierarchical power tendencies.The episode consists of two related parts. The first part focuses on the concepts of care and…
Lizaveta Stecko
Review: "I look at Belarus and think – prison. The aspect of prison in Belarusian art"
Belarus leads Europe in terms of the number of prisoners relative to its population. According to Wisevoter data (since 2021), there are 345 prisoners per 100,000 people, and this number continues to rise. Among them, at the moment 1446 individuals are recognized as prisoners of conscience.In this text we will bring closer the creativity of people with prison experience. We will also focus on artworks that express solidarity with prisoners or reflect on the theme of punitive institutions.The prison system in BelarusIn the country there are around 30 correctional colonies, most of which are located in Vitebsk and Mogilev regions.…



