eng Translation Pending Review

Space of Diffusion

May 16 – June 14, 2017
Tbilisi History Museum

Selected Artwork Series

Selected artworks

Georgian National Museum Tbilisi History Museum invites you to the exhibition "Space of Diffusion" which will be held in the frames of GNM Museum Week dedicated to the International Museum Day. The opening event will take place on May 17, at 6:30 pm.

The exhibition is implemented within the project "Contemporary Art Gallery" which aims to support and promote contemporary art in Georgia, fosters opportunities for Georgian contemporary art to be shown locally, regionally and internationally.

"Space of Diffusion" will allow Georgian visitors, with the help of 13 participating artists, to learn about Belarus people and their country.

The exhibition focuses on the precise perception of reality - "what does it seem like and what it really is?"; What is "documentary material" and "what cultural identity, what social and artistic processes are defined by public sayings?"- Artists think that these signs are uncertain and often fictional in Belarus culture.
The project is dedicated to situations where artists' works get false interpretations and are often misunderstood. This exhibition includes open mailings - the works describe themselves. The project will enable viewers to discover new aspects of contemporary art, get acquainted with the facts of reflection and reaction according to the example of Belarus artists.