eng Automatic Translation

Dmitri Plax

© Дмитрий Плакс, 2014

Artist, curator, writer, translator, journalist, founder of the Belarusian service "Radio Sweden", cartoonist. Member of the group "Belarusian climate".

One of the first curators and conceptualists in contemporary Belarusian art. Curated projects in the Vita Nova and Zhilbel galleries.

Member of the Swedish PEN Center, the Union of Swedish Writers, the Union of Belarusian Writers.

Lives and works in Stockholm, Sweden.


Associated institutions

Associated Documents

Selected dates:


Born in Minsk (BSSR, today the Republic of Belarus).


The foundation of the group "Belarusian climate" , of which he became a member.


He moved to Stockholm , where he still lives and works.



Since 1992, he has collaborated with the Belarusian Delovaya Gazeta, since 1994 with the Imya newspaper, columnist (author's column Cry-Baby), cartoonist.

Since 1999, he has been collaborating with Swedish Radio, in the autumn of 2004 on the international channel of Swedish Radio - "Radio Sweden", founded the Belarusian service, actually headed it until it was closed in autumn 2009. In 2009–2010 – producer, presenter of the programs of the Russian service "Radio Sweden". Since 2010 he has been a producer, director and playwright at the Swedish Radio Theatre.



2001, "Diary of Cy Twombly", "Vita Nova", St. Petersburg, Russia / "New Furs", Minsk, Belarus.

2004, "Heat", "Nevsky Prostor", St. Petersburg, Russia.

2006, Cy Twomblys Dagbok, OEI Editör, Stockholm, Sweden.

2009, "Three texts: (collection of verses)", "Medysont", Minsk, Belarus.

2009, OM, Ruin Förlag, Stockholm, Sweden.

2011, re citat iver, Ersatz, Stockholm, Sweden.

2011, "If I was", bybooks (electronic book), Minsk, Belarus.