eng Automatic Translation

Zmicier Vishniou

Змитер Вишнёв / © фото: Сергей Жданович, 2011

Artist, performer, one of the founders and head of the Goliath publishing house. Member of the literary movement "Bum-Bam-Lit". He headed the performance group "Special Brigade of African Brothers".

Participant of many international poetry festivals and congresses. He worked as a special correspondent for the newspaper "Culture", the magazine "Belarus", a literary consultant in the Union of Belarusian Writers. Member of the Writers' Union of Belarus and the PEN Center.

He took painting lessons from Vladimir Akulov. In his works he combines primitivism and expressionism. Insects on the artist's canvases act as moving hieroglyphs.

In the performances of Dmitry Vishnev and the "Special Brigade of African Brothers" the main core is the study of the cult of personality from the time of the pharaohs to modern African usurpers.

Lives and works in Minsk.


Personal site:


Selected events

Selected artworks

Associated institutions

Associated Documents

Selected dates:

August 7, 1973

Born in Debrecen (Hungary).


Participation in the exhibition-action "Art-pragnoz-96" in the gallery of modern art "At Pushkin" in Vitebsk.


Personal action in the gallery "Sixth Line" in Minsk.

Participation in the republican exhibition of young artists "Time. Space. Personality" in the Minsk Palace of Arts.

Participation in the international exhibition-action "Four and Cherry-object" in the gallery "Bergamot" in Brest.


Exhibition-action "Stage afrikozy" in the House of Writers in Minsk.

Exhibition-action "CHop-A-Tor" in the Palace of Arts in Minsk.

Within the framework of the International Exhibition of Contemporary Art for Young Artists, an exhibition-action "Bum-Bam-Lita" "Through the Glass" was held (National Library of the Republic of Belarus, Minsk).

Exhibition-action "Nakhabus-nasyakomus" in the Stockholm Cultural Center in Sweden.

Performance at the Museum of Modern Art in Helsinki.

The play "The Stuffed Brains of Algerd Bakharevich" at the Smena cinema in Minsk.

Participation in the international performance festival "Novinki-99" at the Palace of Arts in Minsk.


International performance evening at the Kanstakuten Gallery in Stockholm.

Action "Taste of the Word" in the House of Writers in Minsk.

Exhibition "Lit-Art-2000" at the National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus in Minsk.

Action "Mumifier Day" in Minsk, Gomel, Mogilev and Brest.

Action "1948" in the gallery "Noas" in Riga.


Republican youth exhibition "New Names" at the Palace of Arts in Minsk.

As part of the electronic music festival "No!" The play "The Dictator's Corpse" was held at the "Rocket" cinema in Minsk.


Within the framework of the international festival "SKIF" a play "The corpse of a dictator-2" took place at the Palace of Youth in St. Petersburg.


Performance "Poison for the dictator" in "Takheles" (Berlin).

Group exhibition "ABSENT BELARUSIAN ART" at the Museum of Nonconformist Art in St. Petersburg.

Participant of the Literary Colloquium in Berlin.

Fellowship of the Literarisches Colloquium in Berlin.


Personal exhibition "Zoo-2" in the gallery "Podzemka" and farm "Good Thoughts" in Minsk.


Member of Homines Urbani (Villa Decius) in Krakow.

2012, 2013, 2019

Residence in a literary house (Ventspils, Latvia).


Performance "The death of the publisher Dmitry Vishnev in Munich" (Munich).



"Stabkavy tam-toms", "Mastatskaya Litaratura", Minsk, 1998.

"Tambour Masks", "Nevsky Prostor", St. Petersburg, 2001.

"A ladder for a gopher, album Non-fictional tribute to any kind of rodent", "Logvinau", Minsk, 2002.

"Verification of Naradzhennya", "Logvinau", Minsk, 2005.

"Pharaoh near the park", "Logvinau", Minsk, 2007.

"Zamak pabudavany from nettles", "Galiyafy", Minsk, 2010.

"Shorgat Zhukov", "Galiyafy", Minsk, 2011)

Das Brennesselhaus, LuxBooks, Weisbaden, 2014.

"Spirit barkas", "Kovcheg", Minsk, 2014.

"Kali jumped - Mars blue", "Yanushkevich", Minsk, 2018.