
Pinchus Kremegne

1890 – 1981

Painter, graphic artist, sculptor. Artist of the School of Paris.

Throughout his career, he painted landscapes, portraits, still lifes and nudes in a dynamic manner, stylistically close to expressionism.

The artist's works are presented in museum and private collections in France, USA, Great Britain, Switzerland, Israel, Russia, Belarus and other countries.

The corporate collection of OJSC Belgazprombank contains 9 paintings by the artist, all of which are included in the State List of Historical and Cultural Values ​​of the Republic of Belarus.

Lived and worked in France.

Selected events

Selected artworks

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Articles on KALEKTAR

Associated Documents


Selected dates:

July 28th, 1890

Born in the town of Zholudok, Vilna province (Russian Empire, now – the urban village of Zheludok in the Grodno region, Republic of Belarus) in a large Jewish family.


He studied at the Vilna Drawing School. While studying in Vilna, Pinkhus Kremen met Chaim Soutine and Mikhail Kikoin.


The artist illegally crossed the border and through Germany moved to France. Arriving in Paris, he settled in Houllier.


He attended classes at the Paris National Higher School of Fine Arts in the workshop of the academic artist Fernand Cormon. Close contact with Chaim Soutine, Amedeo Modigliani, Marc Chagall, Osip Zadkine, Andre Derain, Fernand Léger and other avant-garde artists.


He exhibited three sculptural works in the salon of the Independents, but from the next year he began to engage almost exclusively in painting.

Since 1916

Famous Parisian art dealers became interested in the artist's works and began to buy them.


The Parisian gallery of Jacques Povolotsky hosted the first solo exhibition of Pinchus Kremeny's works, which showed Mediterranean landscapes and a series of nudes, painted by the artist during his stay in the town of Sere in southern France.


The artist traveled extensively in France, traveled to Corsica, visited Sweden.

Since 1921

Exhibited at the exhibitions of the Autumn Salon.


Signed his first contract with art dealer Paul Guillaume.


Together with Chaim Soutine and Lazar Volovik, Kremen exhibited at the Parisian gallery La Licorne and participated in meetings and exhibitions of the literary and artistic group "Through".

Since 1924

Exhibited at the Tuileries Salon.


Signed a contract with the Parisian gallery Van Leer, where he held his solo exhibition.


The artist's works were shown at the exhibition Modern French Art, held in the halls of the State Museum of New Western Art and the State Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow.


Personal exhibition at the Van Leer gallery in Paris.


Personal exhibition at the Van Leer gallery in Paris.


For some time he lived in Burgundy.


Lived near Bourges.


During the Second World War, the artist, hiding from the Nazis, was in the small town of Turen.


He often visited and lived in Israel for a long time.

Late 1944

The artist returned to Paris.


He took part in the Exhibition of Contemporary Russian Painters and Sculptors in Paris.


Participated in the exhibition in honor of the Victory.


Participated in exhibitions in Jerusalem.


He moved to Sere, where he built a house-workshop.

April 5th, 1981

Died in Sere. He was buried in the Montparnasse cemetery in Paris.