eng Translation Pending Review

Framed in Belarus

Rufina Bazlova 2021
Interactive solidarity project about political prisoners in BelarusDigital_hand embroidery

Articles on KALEKTAR



Currantly I am working on a new socially engaged art project - Framed in Belarus that is dedicated to political prisoners in Belarus. The current number of political prisoners (officially recognized by Human rights organization Spring96) reaches more than 800 people.

The idea is to create embroidered portraits of political prisoners with a short story of their detention.

The embroidery process itself is a very long and meditative experience. Thus, the embroiderer concentrates his/her thoughts and energy on a certain person in Belarus, and this is how the conditional rapprochement of two people in different parts of the world takes place. So the project may connect people from prisons in Belarus and all over the world and the embroiderers between each other throw the web platform and

different events that will be organized. The final form will be a collective quilt, sewn together in a way that will resemble a net or lattice. We plan to make shows workin- progress in different galleries and institutions. Later the final quilt may hang in the museum in Free Belarus.

The final illustrations will create a database of political prisoners portraits and will be posted on the project’s web page (in preparation). Everyone could become part of this project - enter the web, pick up the illustration and start stitching the portrait of the particular prisoner after receiving the “package”.

The embroidery package will contain:

- description of the story of the prisoner + the address of the prison + help platforms

- a photo of a prisoner if possible

- sketch image

- instructions on how to stitch

- material for embroidery (optional)