eng Automatic Translation

Rufina Bazlova

Руфина Базлова / © фото:  Matěj Stánský, 2021

Artist, illustrator. Creates comics, art books, dolls, scenography and performances.

She is famous for her works from the cycle "The History of the Belarusian Survivor" on the topic of civil protests in Belarus in 2020-2021, made in the style of vyshyvanka with red thread on linen. The artist is also known as the author of the embroidered comic book FeminnatuRe, which explores the theme of feminism present in folk traditions.

Lives and works in Prague.

Selected events

Selected Artwork Series

Selected artworks

Associated institutions

Articles on KALEKTAR

Associated Documents

Selected dates:


Born in Grodno (BSSR, today the Republic of Belarus).


He studies at the art school in Grodno.


He studies at the First Lyceum Grodno in a class with an artistic bias.


He studies at the West Bohemian University in Pilsen (Czech Republic) at the Faculty of Design and Arts. Ladistlava Sutnara (specialization in graphics and illustration / sculpture and space). Received a master's degree in illustration (FDU LS, ZČU).


He studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague at the theater department, the department of alternative and puppet theater (specialization in scenography). Received a bachelor's degree in scenography (KALD, DAMU).