eng Automatic Translation

My state

Gleb Burnashev 2021



“My State” is the end of a series of reflections on the place assigned to a person by the current Belarusian state system. Reflections that began with the works “In August 2020” and “We will make a man out of you.”

The study of the mechanics of interaction between a person and a system in which a person is deprived of the ability to move, where external isolation generates internal isolation, and a person obediently locks himself in his own cage, and the regime, satisfied with the technically completed task, rubs its hands.

A deliberately straightforward statement about lack of freedom, about the police state, repression, and the pressure of the system. Cages and tourniquets digging into the skin, uncomfortable positions, nudity, limited space - external and internal discomfort that Belarusians have been experiencing for many years, but which, to everyone’s horror, has turned into a cozy and comfortable “own corner”.

Welcome to Belarus, you are not welcome here.

With the participation of BelarusFreeTheatre

Text: Nastasya Batashova