The installation is a series of panels, each with its own color scheme and barely distinguishable symbolic objects, placed in strict sequence relative to each other. All this is a reflection of the artist's inner experiences associated with the era of crisis, when the spirit of death is felt everywhere.
Andrey Dureiko:
"The inevitable change deprives one of the previous support. The new is only guessed at. That which has not yet been able to leave provides a certain stability: the total connection of the descent with the parallelism of the press, with the island between the rivers, with the emptiness for the exit, with the captivity of choice, which cannot be finally brought to the count of one. This feeling of parallel broadcasting leads to a restless state, but at the same time it also testifies to a certain expanded, sometimes hidden space. Here, in the polyphonic broadcasting, there are echoes of life, but at the same time in the multiplication of elements there is already something that testifies to their dying. Their quantity and insignificant difference still provide "air" for movement, but everything is already permeated with evidence of the end. The inevitable wall of "concealment" pulls us into the not yet fulfilled emptiness. It is also the last thing that represents the connection in the name of which material reminders are erected."
Keys / Clefs
My Friends / My Friends
Red Shooter
Veronesi / Veronesi