eng Automatic Translation

Almira Ousmanova

Culturologist, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Media at the European Humanities University, Head of the Master's Program at the Center for Gender Studies at YSU. Editor of the book series "Visual and Cultural Studies" (YSU Publishing House).  

Research interests: visual studies, semiotics, film theory, gender theory.

Lives and works in Minsk.

Selected events

Associated institutions

Articles on KALEKTAR

Associated Documents

Selected dates:

December 1993

She defended her Ph.D. thesis on the topic "Semiotics of Umberto Eco's culture in the context of the European intellectual tradition of the second half of the 20th century."


Associate Professor, Department of the History of Philosophy and Culture, FFSN, BSU.


Internship at the University of Aix-Marseille I and the University of Stendal-Grenoble III at the Faculty of Audiovisual Communications (France, Aix-en-Provence, Grenoble, TEMPUS program).


Fulbright Scholarship, University of Madison - Wisconsin, Department of Communication Arts (Madison, USA).


Lecturer in the Department of Philosophy and Cultural Studies at the Republican Institute of Higher Education.

Since 1997

Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Cultural Studies, YSU.


Research internship at the Faculty of History and Civilization at the European University Institute (Jean Monnet Fellowship, Florence).

Participates in Regional Seminars on Gender Studies under the program "Gender and Culture", Central European University (Budapest).

Since 1998

Employee of the Center for Gender Studies at YSU.


British Academy Scholarship (Oxford, UK).
July 1999 - Participates in the Getty Summer Institute for Art History and Visual Studies, University of Rochester (USA).


Participates in the Fourth Regional Seminar on Gender Studies "Women in Literature and Art" (Budapest).


Two-year research grant Research Support Scheme (Open Society Institute, Prague).


Undergoes an internship at the Kennan Institute (Washington).


Participates in an international research project led by Luisa Passerini "Europe: Emotions, Politics, Identity".


Main publications:

"Umberto Eco: Paradoxes of Interpretation" (2000)

"Anthology of Gender Theory" (2000, edited jointly with E. Gapova)

“Gender Stories of Eastern Europe” (2002, ed., jointly with E. Gapova and A. Peto)

"Bi-textuality and cinematography" (2003, ed.)

"Gender and Transgression in the Visual Arts" (ed., 2007)

"Visual (as) Violence" (ed., 2008)

"Belarusian format: invisible reality" (ed., 2008) and others.