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Art Belarus (gallery)

Minsk, st. Kozlova 3

Selected events

Associated Documents

Articles on KALEKTAR

The gallery is part of the national historical and cultural project initiated by Belgazprombank, which is a collection, website, award and gallery.

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  • Selected dates:

  • 2011-2012

  • The beginning of the formation of the collection was the acquisition of works by world-famous artists of the School of Paris - natives of Belarus.


  • Under the auspices of "Art-Belarus" the first exhibition project "Artists of the Paris School from Belarus" is being held, which opened in Minsk and later demonstrated in Gomel, Vitebsk and Vilnius.

  • March 27 to July 10, 2014

  • The exhibition project "Ten Centuries of Belarusian Art" has become the largest exposition of the cultural heritage of the Belarusian people in the entire history of our country's independence.

  • April 14, 2017

  • The permanent gallery of the "Art-Belarus" project began its work. The gallery houses the collection of Belgazprombank.

  • 2020

  • In connection with political events in the country, 146 exhibits of the "Art-Belarus" gallery were arrested . This caused great resentment in the cultural community. Two days after the incident, the Art-Belarus gallery opened with QR codes on the walls instead of paintings - everyone sent them to a site where they could see the work. On July 1, the performance "Property" was held here. About 20 cultural figures attached images of paintings to T-shirts and stood all day near the places where these paintings used to hang. The idea of the action belongs to Nadezhda Sayapina. Soutine's painting "Eve" has become a symbol of peaceful protest. A flash mob #evolution started on social networks, where artists, and then other users, began to massively replicate the image. She appeared on T-shirts, bags, avatars on social networks, souvenirs.

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  • Museum and gallery guide:

  • Alexander Zimenko, curator of the Belgazprombank corporate collection, Ph.D.