eng Automatic Translation


The platform was launched as part of the STATUS project: The role of female artists and artists in the transformation of society.

Associated Documents

STATUS is a collective research project created and implemented in cooperation with Swedish and Belarusian partners: Konstepidemin in Gothenburg and the KH Gallery in Brest.

The purpose of the project is to study the context and conditions for the implementation of contemporary artistic practice, as well as the position and role of artists and artists in society. The project aims to update and discuss the working conditions of workers and workers in the cultural sector and the importance of the political potential of their work in initiating change.

First of all, the platform is a place for the presentation and dissemination of collectively produced knowledge on the topic of the project. In September 2018, research groups were formed at the art camp in Brest and the main directions of their work were selected, which was carried out in various online and offline formats using a variety of artistic and research methodologies. Thus, the materials of the platform are a set of analytical texts and artworks that were prepared within the framework of the STATUS project within the research groups. However, the platform also includes publications by external experts - active participants and members of the professional community working on topics raised within the STATUS project.



Managing editor: Vera Kovalevskaya

Project leaders: Mona Wahlström, Denis Romanovsky, Inga Lindorenko, Vera Kovalevskaya

Study coordinator 2018-2020: Alexey Borisenok

Website: Nikolai Spesivtsev