
Solomon Judowin

1892 – 1954

Graphic artist, ethnographer, representative of the "Jewish Renaissance" ("Jewish Renaissance") and Art Nouveau.

Participated in folklore and ethnographic expeditions along the Jewish Pale of Settlement in Ukraine, which influenced the formation of his creative style: the combination of avant-garde with Jewish folk art. The work of Yudovin himself also influenced the artists of the Vitebsk school.

He was engaged in book graphics and illustrating a book of postcards, created portrait and genre works. He worked mainly in the technique of woodcuts and linocuts.

The artist's works are kept in State museums in Belarus and Russia, in Israel, as well as in private collections.

Lived and worked in Vitebsk and Leningrad.

Selected events

Selected artworks

Associated institutions

Articles on KALEKTAR

Associated Documents


Selected dates:

October 15, 1892

Born in the village of Beshenkovichi, Vitebsk province (Russian Empire, now the Republic of Belarus) into a Jewish family.


He was admitted to the Vitebsk School of Drawing and Painting by Y. Peng.


Moved to St. Petersburg, studied at the Drawing School of the Society for the Encouragement of the Arts.


He studied at the private St. Petersburg studios of M. Bernstein, and then M. V. Dobuzhinsky.


Participated in folklore and ethnographic expeditions along the Jewish Pale of Settlement in cities and towns of southwestern Ukraine.


He exhibited his works for the first time at the Exhibition of Jewish Artists in Moscow.


Participated in the Exhibition of Painting and Sculpture by Jewish Artists in Petrograd.


The artist returned to Vitebsk, where he graduated from the Artistic and Practical Institute (now the Vitebsk Folk Art School).


Participated in the exhibition Jewish folk art in Vitebsk.


Participant of the 1st State exhibition of paintings by local and Moscow artists in Vitebsk.


He worked on the monumental woodcut series "The Past", trying to preserve the memory of the disappearing world of Jewish culture.


On the basis of the material collected during the expeditions, the artist published the album "Jewish Folk Ornament" from 26 linocuts.


Elected vice-rector for economic affairs at the Vitebsk Artistic and Practical Institute.


He taught at the graphic workshop of the Vitebsk Artistic and Practical Institute, at the People's Art School and at the Jewish Pedagogical College.

September 23, 1923

Yu.Peng, S.Yudovin, E.Minin and a group of students made a collective statement of resignation and left the institute.


He worked in Leningrad as a scientific secretary and curator at the Museum of the St. Petersburg Jewish Historical and Ethnographic Society.


Personal exhibition in Vitebsk.

1941-mid 1942

During the war, Yudovin lived in besieged Leningrad, then the artist was evacuated to the village of Karabikha near Yaroslavl. In Karabikha he worked on the series "Nekrasov's Places".


The artist returned to Leningrad and completed work on a series of engravings "Leningrad during the Great Patriotic War".


Personal exhibition in Yaroslavl.


The artist released an album of autolithographs "Leningrad".


Created a series of postcards "Views of Leningrad".


Engravings "Leningrad in the days of the Great Patriotic War" were published in the form of an album.


Created a series of postcards "Leningrad Today".

December 5, 1954

The artist died in Leningrad.


Posthumous solo exhibition in Leningrad.


Posthumous solo exhibition in Jerusalem.


Posthumous solo exhibition dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the artist's birth (Vitebsk).


Posthumous solo exhibition in New York.