eng Automatic Translation

Olga Klip


Art critic, curator, cultural manager. His curatorial practice aims to reintegrate art into everyday life and overcome elitism in art institutions. Her main work in this regard is a series of exhibitions in which any artist can take part. Olga Klip works with underrepresented artists, especially in situations of cultural exclusion, which may result from the center-periphery dichotomy or restrictions practiced by cultural institutions. She is a scholarship holder of the Staromejsk Cultural Center and leads the artist portfolio management project.

Lives and works in Warsaw.

Associated institutions

Articles on KALEKTAR

Selected dates:

September 18, 1984

Born in Vilnius (Lithuania).

She graduated with a bachelor's degree from St. Petersburg State University and the European Humanities University with a degree in Art Studies (both 2006) and a master's degree from Yerevan State University with a degree in Visual and Cultural Studies (2010).

She studied museum studies in the master's program at the Louvre School (Paris, France, 2012).

She worked as a researcher at the National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus (2008-2015), taught at the European Humanities University (2007-2013).

Since 2015 – curator of the corporate art collection of Belgazprombank.

Main curatorial projects:

Exhibition of Italian artist Gaspare Manos “Close-up Portraits” (Museum of Contemporary Fine Arts, Minsk, 2013)

Art project “Autumn Salon with Belgazprombank” (Palace of Arts, Minsk, 2015)