eng Automatic Translation


1999 – 2014

Selected events

Associated Documents


International performance festival founded by Viktor Petrov in Minsk. The festival started in 1999, when for the first time in Belarus one could see samples of independent performing art. The festival has turned into a regular art event, which every autumn brought together artists from all over the world in Minsk.

Translated from the Belarusian "Navinki" means "new things" / "new events", a new meaning, a new turn, the discovery of something new in oneself. Respecting this as an important value, the festival has never had any other specific theme or theme.

Soon the festival became a notable and influential event in the contemporary artistic life of Belarus. The performance was gaining more and more popularity among artists, including those from other countries, and attracted a fairly large audience. Each festival revealed new names and revealed new artistic ideas. Over the years of the festival's existence, more than 500 performances were presented, in which more than 300 foreign artists took part. The festival program included artists from Belarus, Poland, Iceland, the USA, Japan, Switzerland, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Austria, Germany, Spain, Northern Ireland, Italy, etc. 40 new artists appeared on the performing stage of Belarus.

For a long time "Navinki" was the only annual and independent international art festival in Belarus.


Selected dates:


Start of the project under the supervision of Viktor Petrov.


"Navinki" received significant international recognition when they were included in the worldwide association of performing arts organizers.


The sixteenth festival has passed. After the project ceased to exist.