eng Automatic Translation

Denis Romanovsky

Денис Романовский / © фото: Мария Романовская, 2014

Artist, performer.

Co-founder of the international performance festival in Minsk Navinki.

Lives and works in Gothenburg (Sweden).


Personal site:

Selected events

Selected artworks

Associated institutions

Associated Documents

Teaching experience

2014 performance workshop at SWEFI, Haparanda 

2012 performance art workshop at Göteborgs konstskola.

2011-2012 Dialogue Through Action, performance art course at Kungl.Konsthögskolan

2012 Performance art: communicating through action, lecture at DOCH, Stockholm

2011 Days of Live, international performance art workshop at Kankaanpää art school. 
2009-2012 making web-sites with Joomla! CMS, courses for KKH students, Kungl.Konsthögskolan, Stockholm
2010 course Performance Art in Experience of Exchange, KKH, Stockholm
2010 Visiting Artist Talk and workshop at SMFA, Boston;
2004 colour correction, workshop at CRAC, Stockholm
2003 Net-art history, series of lectures at the Belarusky Kallegium, Minsk
2002- 2004 introduction to New Media art course at the European Humanities University in Minsk.

Current memberships

Konstepidemin: International grupp

Gallery54, member (earlier board member)

Fylkingen, member (earlier production group member)


Education (graduation  year)
2006  Kungl.Konsthögskolan -Royal Institute of Arts (KKH) in Stockholm, master examen, professor Peter Hagdahl.
2001  Belarus State Academy of Fine Arts, master examen in history and theory of arts,  Minsk
1992  Belarus State University, physics department, master examen in microelectronics Minsk

summer school
1999 - Art criticism and history of interpretation, Adam Mickiewicz University Poznan, Poland.


performance art works, projects, exhibitions and festivals:

2020 Artists Run Artist, grupputställning, galleri Huuto, Helsingfors

2019 medlems utställning Galleri 54, Göteborg

2019 Valetina Dobrova’s liv, utställning på Tegen2 galleri – 2000-2019 film projekt i samarbete med Nils Claesson
2019 Kara(oke)-body or Body-less Proxy of Gogols Nose, performance at FNAF festival in Prag
2019 How To Divide a Million, performance at TinyFestival, Trixter theatre, Gothenburg
2019 Russian Salad aka Democratic Salad performance at Gallery Y, STATUS project workshop, Minsk
2018 Memories - Water Thief, installation, window exhibition at Galleri54, Gothenburg
2018 Russian Salad aka Democratic Salad at Tegen2 gallery Stockholm

2018 Russian Salad aka Democratic Salad at Tegen2 gallery Stockholm

2018 A Thought Experiment and I Gladly Accept Tips and Advise About How to Build a Sofa performances at Live Action Gothenburg

2018 Closing Party collective performance with PALS at 13Festivalen, Konstepidemin, Gothenburg 

2017 Russian Salad and Handshake Concert at New Performance Turku festival, Finland

2017 Russian Salad at Malamut festival in Ostrava

2017 Russian Salad aka Democratic Salad at Tiny Festival, at theatre Trixter  Gothenburg

2017 Light Shelter, performance, wearable installation, at Cultural Night Gothenburg

2017 performance at Fingrarna i Saltburken, Stockholm

2017 Speed Dating group performance with PALS at Supermarket art fair, Stockholm

2017 Handshake performance at Supermarket art fair, Stockholm

2017 Handshake Concert performance at Bra10, Konstepidemin, Gothenburg

2016 Horizons performance at Perfonauci – Galeria Raczej, Poznan

2016 Escape - evacuation sexercise performance at Performance Art Oslo.

2016 Horizons performance at Fraperande i april at Sjömanskyrkan, Gothenburg.

2016 I Augment, performance auction with Peter Eccher at Konstepidemin gallery

2016 Center of the Earth, performance with Torbjörn Steiner på 13 Festivalen, Konstepidemin, Göteborg.

2015 To Valentina. Performance at PAB open. Bergen

2015 Who Owns the Futureright? Performance at Perfo2015, Tampere

2015 Done before, performance på Late Sommer Show, Konstepidemin. Göteborg

2015 Recycled news: Who wants yesterday's papers? installation, Supermarket Art Fair//Galleri 54,

2015 Recycled news: Gamla Nyheter! på ”4’33 Ingenting att se”, Hammarkullen Konsthall

2015 Gilla gilla gilla inte! A Facebook opera på 13 festivalen, Konstepidemin Göteborg

2014 Mass duel, performance på Skogen, Göteborg

2014 War and Peace, performance at ”BYDGOSKI PICHLERZ SZTUKI 2014” performance art festival in Bydgoszcz, Poland

2014 Fred eller Krig börjar här! Performance på ComLab Walkabout Kulturnatta 2014, Göteborg

2014 Futureview på Konsepidemins dag - Late Summer Show, Göteborg

2013 Performace Constellations at Skogen, Göteborg

2013 Art Nomade performance festival, performances at galleries Caravanserai (Rimouski) and Bang (Saguenay), Canada.

2013 CREATurE festival (Kaunas)

2013 Performance Nå2 festival at The Leprosy Museum, Bergen.

2013 live stream performance for Closet Gallery (Stockholm)

2013 Fake Finns and Wannabe Swedes at: Tegen2 - talk (Stockholm), Fylkingen (Stockholm), Supermarket art fair (Stockholm), Augusta gallery (Helsinki), Haparanda-Tornio (Sweden-Finland)

2013 Museum of Impossible, Unrealized and Unrealizable Art Projects at CCA Tbilisi as a part of "Nordic Art: between miracles" exhibition.

2013 II Encontre de Performance i Poesia d'Accio at Universitat Miguel Hernandez (Elx, Alicante)

2013 Stalinka-Hitlerbau film at Crossing Europe film festival (Linz)

2012 FUTUREVIEW at galleri ID:Is 10 års jubileumsutställning (Stockholm)

2012 7a*11d festival (Toronto)

2012 Transmuted festival (Acapulco)

2012 Stalinka-Hitlerbau installation at Nordico museum (Linz);

2012 Navinki festival (Minsk)

2012 PALS festival (Stockholm);

2012  performance works with KKH students and TV Mejan (Stockholm),

2011 FLUXEE (Turku)

2011 Diverse Universe in Stockholm
2011 Perf11, Pori, Finland 
2011 "No fish here" at Château Mercier, Sierre - as a part of "in the belly of the whale" exhibition project;

2011 Rundum das Feld, am Wasser festival - Performance Laboratorium (Linz)

2011 Futureview (ongoing performance project) at No Budget Performance: A Stockholm Odyssey on Supermarket art fair, Stockholm; Platform Stockholm.

2010 "A concert for 20 flowers and 1" at Scandinavia House, "reality never grows older..." at Grace space, Brooklyn - Life Action New York, performance art festival

2010 Navinki international performance art festival, Minsk Belarus

2010 Infr'action Paris, Infrac'tion Sete  international performance art festivals, France

2010 Random Argumentation at Mobius, Boston.

2009 Random Argumentation, the 10th OPEN ART International Performance Festival, Beijing
2009 Performance week in Lviv, Ukraine

2009 Navinki festival, Minsk

2009 Live Action Goteborg, performance festival, Sweden
2009 KaraTribune installation at “Get Set” group exhibition, Virserum konsthal, Sweden.
2009 performance at Uppsala konstmuseum, Sweden
2008 performance “No Fish here”,tactileBOSCH Gallery Cardiff, UK.
2005-2007 “Kara(oke)Tribune” at Currency 2005 in NYC; Navinki2005 in Minsk; Mejan gallery in Stockholm;
at the Interactive Institute in Stockholm.
2007 HARTA PERFORMING MONZA festival, Monza, Italy
2006 Dimencia festival, CAC, Vilnius
2006 PAC 15 - international performance art conference, HoChiMin city, Vietnam
2003- 2006 KKH spring exhibitions, Stockholm
2004 FIX04 international performance festival in Belfast
2004 RIAP2004 international performance festival in Quebec, Canada
2004 Vasaloppet Breath Report, Salen-Mora-Stockholm, K1 Kulturhusset.
2003 Asiatopia, the 5th international performance festival in Bangkok and Cangmai.
2003 the Sonic Pong, at SOC gallery, and at KKH in Stockholm
2001- 2004 international performance festival “Interakcje”, Piotrkow Trybunalski,Poland
2002 “Flying carpet” on-line performance for Flying Carpet International, Paris.
2001 - Amorph!01 performance festival in Helsinki, Finland.
2001 -performance, “Belaru-tion ” exhibition in Vlissengen, the Netherlands.
2001 -“The Trial ” for the Art of Organizing, Stockholm
2000 - “Fort Cztuki ” performance festival,Krakow,Poland
2000 - “The Minsk Spring ” and “MM action ” joined festivals (Minsk, Belarus)
2000-2009 performances, Navinki performance festival, Minsk, Belarus
1999 “12 ”,installation at “chron-a-topos ” exhibition, Palace of Arts (Belarus,Minsk);
1999 “Minsk With the Face”, photos, installation // Minsk planetarium (Belarus,Minsk);


as organizer, organizers collaborations

2017-2022  project leader The Role of the Artist in the Changing of Society, bilateral exchange project Belarus - Sweden

2017 PALS Handshake, Stockholm - Gothenburg at Gallery54 and Supermarket Art Fair

2011 - ... PALS, Performance Art Links - annual international performance art festival in Stockholm

2010-2011 (ongoing) No Budget Performance: A Stockholm Odyssey

2009 Illusion, Falsification and Reality, MejanLabs - Belarus State Academy of Arts, Stockholm-Minsk
2008 Navinki-Weld performance meetings in Minsk and in Stockholm.
2008 Spring Games, Weld-Vasaparken, Stockholm.
2005 RAM7, Re-approaching New Media: Models of Collaboration in Minsk
2005 the Phantom Expression, international group exhibition at GFZK, Leipzig
2004 United Net-Works on The Road + Art and Science, EHU, Minsk, Belarus
2002 trainee-curator at Manifesta4 biennial in Frankfurt ( Mine)

2001-2007 comunity tools for IAPAO (international association of performance art organizers) website and mailing list

2001 “Belaru-tion” exhibition in Vlissengen, the Netherlands.
2001 Media-Terminal at “” festival in Minsk..
2001 “The Wake in Minsk” with Dror Feiler (Sweden) and DJ symphony (Belarus)
2001 NAMM (Net Art Meetings in Minsk) international workshop in Minsk
1999-2008 co-curator of annual international performance festival Navinki in Minsk;