
NAMM (Net-Art Meeting in Minsk)

March 15 – 22, 2001
Gallery NOVA, Minsk
International meeting-seminar on network art in Minsk, Nova Gallery, st. V. Khoruzhey, 16.

Articles on KALEKTAR

The history of the seminar began about a year ago, when a group of Belarusian artists took part in the Minsk Connection meeting in Stockholm. The exchange of creative experience turned out to be fruitful for planning joint projects, one of which will be the arrival of Swedish media artists in Minsk with presentations of creative works, lectures and master classes.

NAMM is an initiative to develop the artistic environment in the Internet culture of Belarus. The purpose of the seminar is to present trends and forms of art related to the Internet, initiate artistic network projects based on communication tools and digital technologies, and develop the information environment of modern artistic culture. And the main task is to develop creative cooperation between Belarusian and foreign media artists. In addition, the seminar and creative meetings will provide an overview of the Belarusian cultural situation on the Internet.

The theme of network art for such a meeting was chosen due to the dynamic development of this artistic activity and because of its relative novelty for the Belarusian art scene.

Net art is a diverse phenomenon. This is a field of synthesis of different types of artistic practices and theories, technical and technological solutions, social interaction and modeling. The development and emergence of new types and forms of art is now often due to the emergence of new (for example, technical) means and opportunities. It is difficult to indicate general priorities and accepted artistic strategies, so the question of the exact definition of Net-art is under discussion. There are multiple divergences: network art, Web-art, art for the Web, art on the Web - and further in various directions.

During the seminar the following took place:

  • - Presentations of creative projects of participants.

  • - Theoretical presentations (round table) on the following issues: aspects of network art and art on the Internet; potential, possible ways and strategies for the development of network art in Belarus, systematization of artistic network resources.

  • - Creative workshops of foreign participants.

  • - Creation and planning of joint art projects.

  • Organizers and support:

    - Association of Contemporary Art;

    - Initiative group of the scientific and practical seminar "Internet technologies, Web design and computer graphics" at the European Humanities University;

    - studio Oko

    - Art 375

    - Nova gallery

    - CRAC (Sweden)

    - Swedish Institute

    - Network Systems ISP