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eng Automatic Translation

Lioudmila Voropai

© Людмила Воропай, 2015

Philosopher, doctor of sciences (Dr. phil.), critic, curator and artist, lecturer at the Berlin University of the Arts (UdK Berlin) and the Bauhaus University in Weimar (Germany).

Studied philosophy, art history, media theory and media art in Moscow, Cologne and Berlin.

She taught the history and theory of contemporary art, as well as the theory of media and design at the Berlin University of the Arts, the Bauhaus University in Weimar and other universities in Germany. Currently Associate Professor of Art History and Media Theory at the University of Arts and Design in Karlsruhe.

Author of numerous publications on the history, theory and sociology of art, political aesthetics, critical theory and institutional criticism, including the monograph Media Art as a By-Product published by the German publishing house Transcript. On the institutional genealogy of new artistic media, forms and practices”. Translator and scientific editor of Russian editions of works by Slavoj Zizek, Giorgio Agamben, Jurgen Habermas and others.

Research interests: history and theory of contemporary art, institutional criticism, sociology of art and culture, problems of cultural policy

Lives and works in Berlin.

Articles on KALEKTAR

Associated Documents

Scientific editor and translator of Russian publications by Jürgen Habermas "The Problem of Legitimation of Late Capitalism", Slavoj Zizek "The Rupture Device: Parallax Vision", Giorgio Agamben's "State of Emergency" and others.

Selected dates:


She was born in Minsk, BSSR (today the Republic of Belarus).

By 2010

She graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy and postgraduate studies at the Russian State University for the Humanities (RSUH, Moscow). She completed her doctoral studies at the Cologne Academy of Media Arts (KHM), where she defended her doctoral dissertation on the role of cultural policy in the system of contemporary art and its influence on the processes of institutionalization of new art forms, in particular, media art.


She defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic "Institutionalization of media art: a sociological perspective and the impact of cultural policy on the process of emergence of new art forms and practices."

From 1999 to 2013

Various scholarships, project and research grants from the Einstein-Stiftung, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Filmstiftung NRW, Kölner Stiftungsfonds, Alfred-Toepfer-Stiftung, DAAD, etc.


Main curatorial and artistic projects:

2014 – “Urban metamorphoses. Warming Moscow”, exhibition of urban sculpture and public art objects (co-curator), Kuznetsky Most and Winzavod, Moscow, Russia

2013 - transmediale. 13 – Festival for Art and Digital Culture Berlin, The Imaginary Museum Panel, Berlin, Germany

2012 – ART SCIENCE FICTION, Amerika-Haus, Berlin, Germany

2011 – Das Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Film- und Videofestival, dffb, Berlin, Germany

2008 - RCS - Russian Contemporary Show, HAN JI YUN Contemporary Space, Beijing, China

2007 - Organization and coordination of a series of lectures and seminars by Slavoj Zizek in Moscow with the support of the Effective Policy Foundation, Russia

2006 - Art Futures, Art Moscow 2006, Moscow, Russia

2006 – post_modellism: Models in Art, Bergen Kunsthall, Bergen, Norway

2005 – Partisan Curating, Kunstfilmbiennale Köln, Germany

2005 – In the Line of Flight_by Train, 2nd Beijing International New Media Arts Exhibition and Symposium, The China Millennium Museum, Beijing, China

2004 – Das Kosmische Ei, Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bonn, Germany

2003 - Introduction to Video Art Critique. Crash Course for Beginners, Kunstverein Wiesbaden, Germany

2003 – Back to the Couch!, Galerie-Projektraum, Cologne, Germany

2003 - Liegetherapie: Psychotherapeutische Behandlung von Kunsttraumata, Art Cologne 2003 - Cologne, Germany


Main publications:

2015 - "Criticism as Enlightened Obedience: Toward a Theory of Surplus Value of the 'Critical' in Contemporary Art" // Art Magazine (XZ Moscow Art Magazine) #93, Moscow, Russia

2014 – Das Zelluloidleben des Labors: Zur Geschichte und Gegenwart der filmischen Wissenschaftsvermittlung // Susanne Stemmler, (Hg.), Wahrnehmung, Erfahrung, Experiment, Wissen. Objektivität und Subjektivität in den Künsten und den Wissenschaften, Berlin, Germany

2014 - "Artistic research as a symptom. On the role of the artist in cognitive capitalism" // Khudozhestvenny zhurnal (XZ Moscow Art Magazine), #92, Moscow, Russia

2013 - "Art as the production of knowledge": Artistic Research and the cultural policy of neoliberalism // Determining the route (Special project of the 5th Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art), Moscow, Russia

2013 – Imaginary Museums, Computationality and The New Aesthetic (with David M. Berry, Baruch Gottlieb, Michael Dieter) // transmediale 13: BWPWAP, Berlin, Germany

2013 – Experimental Film as a Non-Experimental Institution // Heinz Emigholz, Stefanie Schulte Strathaus (Ed.), Think:Film, Berlin: Arsenal – Institute for Film and Video Art

2013 – Von der Science-Art zur Science-Brute: Zur Diskursgeschichte und Ideologie der künstlerischen Forschung // A. de Campo, U. Hentschel ua (Hg.), play:test – Versuche über die Kunst des Experimentierens, Berlin: Revolver

2011 – Discourse on Art, Science and Technology Collaboration and its Historical Development // ISEA, Istanbul, Turkey

2010 - Media Art and its Theories from "New Avant-garde" to "Science-Brute" // ISEA2010 Ruhr. Berlin: Revolver

2009 - "Beta version of autopoiesis" // Art magazine (XZ Moscow Art Magazine), #71/72, Moscow, Russia

2006 – Iambic Tetrameter in the Service of Revolution: Notes on the System of Art and Literary Education in Post-Revolutionary Russia // Variantology 2. On Deep Time Relations of Arts, Sciences and Technologies, Cologne, Germany