The entire collection of the Gomel Vashchenko Gallery consists of two parts. The first is the works of Gabriel Kharitonovich Vashchenko himself and his wife Matilda Adamovna: painting, watercolors, projects of monumental works, graphics, sculpture and decorative and applied arts. The second part contains works by contemporary Belarusian authors, which are constantly being updated. The gallery rightfully considers the painting by Zoya Litvinova, Vashchenko’s student, to be the main exhibit of this part. The funds also contain works by the famous graphic artist Valery Slavuk.
The main fund of the State Institution "Art Gallery of G. Kh. Vashchenko" currently exceeds 550 works of fine art.
The basis of the fund was two collections donated by the People's Artist of the Republic of Belarus Gavriil Kharitonovich Vashchenko (painting, watercolors and projects of monumental works by Gavriil Kharitonovich Vashchenko) and his wife Matilda Adamovna Vashchenko (painting, graphics, sculpture and DPI of contemporary Belarusian artists).
The collection of works by Gavriil Kharitonovich covers the period from 1950 to 2007 and allows us to trace the entire process of the artist’s formation.