Selected dates:
Was born in Minsk . Studied fine arts at St. Petersburg University, received a master's degree in pedagogy in Poitiers, Madrid and Lisbon.
She taught at the European Humanities University (Vilnius, Lithuania) undergraduate courses: "Contemporary Art, After": workshops of critical writing, galleries and museums of contemporary art, "What the party did not teach: unofficial art of Eastern Europe and Belarus from the thaw to perestroika" (jointly with Lena Prenz).
She served as co-director of the Center for the Study of Contemporary Art at YSU (together with Lena Prenz).
An academic project about the unspoken and the community. Topos: philosophical and cultural journal, 2, 2013 (Vilnius : EHU, 2013) cc.68-73
Academic projects:
Inspired by V.L. Photography of tomorrow [the album] / Valery Lobko ; [authors Aliona Gloukhova, Sergei Kozhemyakin, Irina Kondratenko] : (Vilnius : Taurapolis) pp.96-99.
"On the general line : film by Oleg Tcherny" with Vitali Shchutski .
Twinkling networks, invisible ties. On the Unofficial Contacts of Byelorussian Artists in the 1980's in "Art beyond borders in communist Europe (1945-1989)" (Budapest-New York : Central University Press) pp.71-81(english) https://www.jstor. org/stable/10.7829/j.ctt19z397k.9?seq=1#metadata_info_tab_contents .
Fiction, essay:
2018 - "Dans l'eau je suis chez moi" (Paris: Gallimard, Éditions Verticales).
2020 - "De l'autre côté de la peau" (Paris: Gallimard, Éditions Gallimard).
2021 - "Chien ciel août" AdolescenceS, sous la direction de MT Jacquet (Quodlibet, Bari, Italie).
2022 - "Visages et paysages d'en haut" les photographies de Claude Batho (Lyon: Éditions Fage).