eng Automatic Translation

Olga Mzhelskaya


Curator, art manager.

Co-founder of the ARTONIST initiative. Organizer of art festivals and exhibitions, educational projects for cultural workers, co-author of books about Belarusian art for children, author of a series of interviews with Belarusian women "Emancipation".

Author of a therapeutic project for Belarusian emigrants with a joint visit to the museum expositions in Warsaw. Collaborates with the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, maintains art accounts on Telegram and Instagram under the pseudonym Little Hedonist.

Lives and works in Warsaw since summer 2021.

Selected events

Associated institutions

Articles on KALEKTAR

Associated Documents

Selected dates:


Was born in Minsk .


Graduated from the Institute of Journalism of the Belarusian State University with a degree in Information and Communication.


She graduated from the magistracy of the Institute of Journalism of the Belarusian State University.


Implementation of the title installation (video mapping) "Night of Museums" in the National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus (NXM) and organization of a concert on the steps of the Museum "Night of Museums" in the NXM.


Implementation of the international exhibition of the use of mobile technologies in modern photography "Transition" in the gallery "Ў".


The title interactive installation based on the works of Chaim Soutine and the video project "Paintings Alive".


PR-manager of the project "Month of photography in Minsk" .


Curated the exhibition project in memory of Mikhail Kleofas Oginsky "250" in the space "TSEKh".


She held the position of co-head of the "Dzіtsyachay create maisterni" gallery "Ў" .


Organization of a public reading of excerpts from the works of Svetlana Aleksievich with the participation of well-known businessmen and cultural and sports figures.


She became a co-founder of the ARTONIST project, the Dyslexia Belarus initiative.

Engaged in consulting in the selection of art objects for interior designers. She is the author of the art telegram channel Little Hedonist .


She joined the team for the preservation of the heritage of the artist Zakhar Kudin .


Moved to Warsaw .

She became the author of a performance about dyslexia "Sorry! I'm very ashamed ..." at the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw.


She curated Igor Tishin's exhibition "House, by which scenes are scattered. Survivor for two moments" in Warsaw.