eng Automatic Translation

Siarhiej Babareka

© фото: Сергей Жданович, 2019

Artist, conceptualist, neo-Dadaist.

Consistently works with ready-made objects. Creates objects, sculptures, collages, texts, installations and photos.

Author of texts dedicated to contemporary art. Introduced the ironic abbreviation "suchart".

Lives and works in Minsk.


Editor's note: please note that in Russian the artist asks to write his first and last name exactly as Syargey Babarek (and not Sergey Babarek).

Selected events

Selected artworks

Associated institutions

Articles on KALEKTAR

Associated Documents

Selected dates:


Born in Minsk (BSSR, today the Republic of Belarus).


Graduate of the Republican College of Arts named after Akhremchik.


He studies at the Minsk Art College named after Alexei Glebov.

Since 1993

Engaged in exhibition activities and participates in international residencies.


Studying at the Belarusian Academy of Arts.