
Tania Arcimović

© Фото: Ольга Кирилова

Researcher, author and curator from Minsk.

PhD, author of books. She taught at the European Humanities College in Minsk (Contemporary Theater and Performative Studies). Curates exhibitions and implements art and cultural projects in cooperation with Belarusian and foreign cultural institutions. Founder of the Zerne Performing Arts Platform and editor of pARTisanka magazine. She was the curator of the Kaptaruna Art Village.

Lives and works in Germany.

Selected events

Selected artworks

Associated institutions

Articles on KALEKTAR

Associated Documents

Selected dates:

July 14, 1984

She was born in Minsk (BSSR, today the Republic of Belarus).


She studied at the laboratory of Anatoly Praudin's experimental studio in St. Petersburg.


Theatre director, performance Fro based on the novel by A. Platonov; participation in the Solo Theatre Festival (Moscow), International Festival Monobaltia (Kaunas), International Festival Monokl (St. Petersburg, the First prize).

The artist, performance Five Portraits of Women by Buendía Family based on the novel by G.G. Márquez, Art Festival See Level, Pushkinskaya-10’. (St. Petersburg).


Theatre director, performance Vory (Diebe) by Dea Loher, Stage Readings Festival organized by Goethe Institute in Minsk.


Graduated from the Belarusian State Academy of Arts (Faculty of Theater Studies).

Curated the group exhibition of the collections of artists Artist-collector in Belarus in the gallery Ў.

Theatre director, performance Khozyain Kofejni (A Café Owner) by Pavel Prazhko.

Since 2014

She has been curating exhibitions and making art and cultural projects in collaboration with Belarusian and foreign cultural institutions.

She is a member of the expert council of the ZBOR resource.


Co-curated group exhibitions OFFSIDE and XXY in the gallery Ў.

Curated the exhibition "Premonition of War" in Berlin.

Co-editor and co-author Partisanen: Kultur_macht_Belarus (photo.tapeta edition, Berlin 2014). 


She was awarded a fellowship from the AIR program, CCA Ujazdowski Castle (Poland) and Akademie Solitude (Germany).


She co-curated the exhibition "Minsk. Nonconformism of the 1980s" in the Ў gallery.

October-November 2015

Curator of the exhibition "Lyudmila Rusava. Total Performance", Gallery of Modern Art Ў.


Received a master's degree in sociology (culturology) from the European Humanities University (Vilnius, Lithuania).

Belarus 4’33 a Sun City of Dream Point Zero multimedia performance, together with Anton Sarokin (shows in Brussels, Warsaw and Gdansk). 


She taught at the European Liberal Arts College in Minsk (contemporary theatre and performative studies)

Since 2019

She is PhD candidate at the International Centre for the Study of Culture (Justus-Liebig-Universität) in Gießen, Germany.


She was a scholarship holder of the Minsk PEN Center program in Vilnius.

November 2019

Curator of the Week of Polish Drama in Minsk (in cooperation with the Adam Mickiewicz Institute).

Co-curator of the Congress-Performance of Cultural Workers (in collaboration with Konstepidemin in Gothenburg).


She contributed to the research project "Reclaimed Avant-garde. Central and Eastern Europe" (organised by Theatre Institute in Warsaw and curated by Dariusz Kosiński).


She was a co-editor and co-author of the books: "Without Future. Depression and Authoritarian State" (Lohvinau edition, Minsk); Anthology of Female Dramaturgy (Lohvinau edition, Minsk)

January 2021

Editor of the issue of pARTisanka dedicated to the Belarusian protests of 2020 (in cooperation with HAU Berlin).

April 2022

Co-curator of the festival Ich gehe raus! (I'm Leaving!) at HAU Berlin