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Aleksander Sarna


Philosopher, performer, media analyst, candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor, author of publications on the problems of modern visual culture in the journals "Topos", "Palitychnaya sfera", "Crossroads".

Lives and works in Minsk.

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Selected dates:

May 30, 1971

Born in Minsk (BSSR, today the Republic of Belarus).


He studied at the Faculty of Philosophy and Economics of the Belarusian State University with a degree in Philosophy (diploma with honors). From 1996 to 1999 post-graduate student at the Department of Philosophy and Methodology of Science of Belarusian State University majoring in Social Philosophy.

In 2001 he defended his dissertation on the topic “The Phenomenon of Power in Communication: Experience in Social and Philosophical Analysis”.

Since 1999 he has worked at the Belarusian State University at the Department of Philosophy and Methodology of Science, and since 2008 at the Department of Social Communication.

Developed training courses and special courses "Sociolinguistics", "Fundamentals of Semiology", "Speech Communication", "Image Construction in the Media", "Mass Culture" for students of the Department of Information and Communication of the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences of BSU.

Author of the books “The Phenomenon of Power in Interpersonal Communication. Social and Philosophical Analysis (Saarbrucken: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2012), Image and Medium: Visual Text in Mass Communication (Minsk: Four Quarters, 2012), Speech Communication (Minsk: Belarusian State University, 2013).

As an author, he took part in such publishing projects as "The Newest Philosophical Dictionary" (Minsk, 1999). “World Encyclopedia: Philosophy” (Minsk, 2000), “Modern Western Philosophy” (Minsk, 2001), “Sociology: Encyclopedia” (Minsk, 2003), “Encyclopedia for Schoolchildren and Students. In 12 vols. T. 1. The Information Society. XXI century” (Minsk, 2009), “The latest sociological dictionary” (Minsk, 2010). Participated in summer schools in philosophy (1998, 2003) and political sciences (1999–2001), gender studies (2002), visual and cultural studies (2004–2006), East European School of Political Studies (2008–2009).