eng Automatic Translation

Olga Shparaga

© фото: Виолетта Савчиц, 2021

Philosopher, candidate of philosophical sciences, teacher, curator.

Employee of the Center for European Studies, co-organizer of the project "European Cafe: Public Lectures and Discussions", Associate Professor at YSU, editor of the Belintellectuals website, editor of the online magazine "New Europe", head of the "Modern Society, Ethics and Politics" ECLAB concentration.

Member of the Coordination Council.

He is on the scientific board of the Ideology and Politics Journal, The Interlocutor and pARTisanKa. Membership in the Belarusian PEN Center and BAJ.

She was engaged in scientific research at the Ruhr University Bochum, at the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf and at the University of Freiburg (Germany), at the Center for Theoretical Research in Prague, the Warsaw University of Technology and at The New School for Social Research (New York).

Lives and works in Berlin.

Selected events

Selected Artwork Series

Selected artworks

Associated institutions

Articles on KALEKTAR

Associated Documents

Selected dates:

January 12, 1974

She was born in Minsk (BSSR, today the Republic of Belarus).


Membership in the editorial board of the philosophical and cultural journal "Topos".


She taught at EHU in Minsk and Vilnius.


Co-editor of the online magazine "New Europe".


Co-leader of the project "European cafe: open lectures and discussions".


Together with Ruslan Vashkevich and Oksana Zhgirovskaya, she curated the exhibition "Radius of Zero. Ontology of the 2000s".


She became a co-founder of the European College of Liberal Arts in Belarus (ECLAB) in Minsk.

Author of three individual monographs. The monograph "The Post-Holocaust Community: Towards an Inclusive Society" (Minsk: Medison, ECLAB-Books, 2018) was recognized as the best philosophical monograph of 2018 by the International Congress of Belarusian Researchers, and was also shortlisted "Book of the Year 2018" of the Belarusian PEN -center.

From August 2020

He is a member of the Fem group of the Coordinating Council of the Belarusian opposition.

October 2020

She spent 15 days in prison and was sentenced to another 12 days, because of which she was forced to leave the country. Now lives in Berlin.

December 2020

Together with like-minded people, she founded the "Office of Education for New Belarus".


The book "The Revolution Has a Woman's Face: The Case of Belarus", which was published in June 2021 by the German publishing house Suhrkamp, became the best-seller of this publishing house, entering the top three of the top ten books of July-August 2021 in Germany: according to 30 critics of the German public television channel ZDF, the newspaper Die Zeit and the German public cultural and educational radio station Deutschlandfunk Kultur, it deepens the understanding of social issues and helps to better understand public debate. It was also noted that the book shows: "the struggle of Belarusian women matters to women all over the world."

From January 2022

Conduct scientific research at the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin.

First monograph:

"The Awakening of Political Life: An Essay on the Philosophy of Publicity", Vilnius: YSU, 2010. - 204 p.


Olga Shparaga is also a scientific (co)editor of seven collective monographs:

"Feminist (art) criticism" / ed. I. Solomatina, O. Shparaga, V. Gapeeva, Kaunas: Taurapolis, 2015.

"Belarus in the European context: topical discussions about nation-building" / under. ed. O. Shparagi and A. Smolenchuk, Vilnius: YSU, 2014. - 195 pages - in e-mail. access: pdf

"After Soviet Marxism: History, Philosophy, Sociology and Psychoanalysis in National Contexts (Belarus, Ukraine)". Under. ed. O. Shparagi. Vilnius: YSU, 2013. - 288 p.

"Radius of zero. Ontology of art-zero". Minsk, 2000-2010 / ed. O. Zhgirovskaya, O. Shparagi, R. Vashkevich. Minsk: Logvinov, 2013 - 532 p. (in Russian and English)

"Ways of Europeanization of Belarus: Between Politics and Identity Construction" (1991–2010). Ed. O. Shparagi. Minsk: Logvinov, 2011. Also in English.

"Jan Patochka and the idea of Europe. Eastern and Central European contexts": Sat. articles / Ed. P. Barkovsky, L. Ilyushina, O. Orisheva and O. Shparaga. Vilnius, 2011. - 240 p.

"European Perspective of Belarus: Intellectual Models" / comp. O. Shparaga. Vilnius: YSU, 2007. - 280 p.


Among the translations of Olga Shparaga:

"M. Merleau-Ponty. Visible and invisible". Mn., Logvinov, 2006.


Scientific editor of book translations:

"Jan Patochka. Heretical Essays on the Philosophy of History". Ed. O. Shparagi. Mn., Logvinov, 2008. - 204 p.

"Jan Patochka. Europe and Post-Europe. Post-European era and its spiritual problems". Ed. O. Shparagi. Mn., 2011. - 204 p.