For the exhibition "Art behind Art or Religion"
The first exhibition "Only Man" is an introduction to the outside world through opposites. Like war and peace, evil and good, black and white.
The second exposition "Anaxagoras" serves as a transition from the body to the Spirit. Between the true Spirit and the body, there is an endless path through all forms of knowledge. It seems that with each step these forms become clearer and clearer.
"The third exposition "The Body of God" is a transition to the Spirit, comprehended by the mind of man, realizing himself through the Truth - God.
The fourth exhibition "Ship" is a process of learning the innermost secrets of man in the shining Spirit.
Only Human
Only man can fall away from God.
Only a human.
No beast, no creeping thing:
neither a cobra, nor a hyena, nor a nasty white ant
cannot completely escape from the palm of God
into the abyss of self-knowledge
separate from God.
Knowing oneself separately from God -
this is the abyss where the soul slides and slides,
twitching, twisting, writhing
in an endless jump,
wide-eyed, all by herself, in a fall
into an immeasurable abyss, getting stuck
deeper and deeper into the smallest details of self-awareness,
exhausting itself, that it never hits a bottom that doesn't exist,
zigzagging, crackling like a spent rocket,
in whose body the suppressed flame hisses and, tortured, perishes.
No matter how much you strive for depth,
the depth is somewhere there, even lower,
and the spasm of flight continues
in the horror of realizing that it would be impossible to cut it off before death
This is the knowledge of oneself, separate from God, in the fall.
They say that they really exist only in the spirit
bodily life is a kind of death,
true being is incorporeal,
and the idea of form precedes the manifest form.
And all this is nonsense!
As if Reason could invent a crab,
dozing in the depths and suddenly stretching out a steel
Even the mind of God cannot foresee
a new being before its birth,
unknown flesh, prepared for life,
even if it's just a crab.
Religion knows more than philosophy.
She knows that Jesus didn't exist,
until he was carried in the womb, he did not eat soup and bread,
did not grow, did not become Jesus in his formation,
with the body, the needs of the body and the radiance of the spirit.