eng Automatic Translation

Olia Sosnovskaya

© фото: Roberta Segata, 2021

Artist, researcher, organizer.

Co-founder of the self-organized platform WORK HARD! RELAX MORE! and a member of the art-research group "Problem Collective".

Works with text, performative and visual practices, intertwining the concepts of celebration, collective choreography, affect, scores and the political in post-socialist contexts and beyond. Uses the mediums of video-essay, digital collage, lecture-performance and event, paying special attention to the relationship of performativity and language. He often refers to historical materials, popular culture and his own experience.

Her texts have been published in such publications as pARTisankA, KALEKTAR, TQW Magazin, Paletten, Berliner Gazette, Moscow Art Journal, V–A–C Press, [Translit], STATUS platform and others.

Lives and works in Vienna and Minsk.


Personal site:


Selected events

Selected Artwork Series

Selected artworks

Associated institutions

Articles on KALEKTAR

Associated Documents

Selected dates:


She was born in Minsk (BSSR, today the Republic of Belarus).


Bachelor's and Master's programs "Visual and Cultural Studies" at the European Humanities University in Vilnius.


Participation in "Former West" Research Congress (Haus der Kultur der Welt, Berlin).


Master's program "Choreomundus - Dance Knowledge, Practice and Heritage" (NTNU, Trondheim, Norway), University of Szeged (Szeged, Hungary), Blaise Pascal University (Clermont-Ferrand, France) and Roehampton University (London, UK).

She defended her master's thesis on the topic "Gymnastic performance "Belarusian Vase" at the Independence Day parade in Minsk: embodying the ideological imaginary state."


Participation in the Foreign Affairs performing arts festival at the Berliner Festspiele in Berlin.


Participation in the group exhibition "Everything that is solid will dissolve in the air" at the Maxim Bogdanovich Museum in Minsk.


Together with Alexey Borisenko, Dina Zhuk and Nikolay Spesivtsev, he unites in the working group of the self-organized platform WORK HARD! RELAX MORE!, dealing with issues of work and leisure, collective practices and hostel, non-institutional infrastructures, technologies and knowledge. The RBSR includes an annual event in Minsk, an online glossary, round robin practices, and an archive.

An art-research group "Problem Collective" (Alesya Zhitkevich, Olya Sosnovskaya, Alexei Borisenok and Vladimir Gramovich) is being formed. The group works with archives, (post)socialist history of Belarus (in particular, strikes) and reading practices.


The beginning of a collaboration with the queer festival "Dotyk" (Belarus), which includes a series of parties "YES, EVERYTHING, NOW" (together with Alexei Borisenko and Johan Norling) and joint events within the framework of RBOB.

Participation in the 5th Odessa Biennale of Contemporary Art and the Norbergfestival "Material Fatigue" in Norberg (Sweden).

Since 2018

PhD in Practice PhD at the Vienna Academy of Arts with a research project on the political dimensions of dance and movement in post-socialist contexts.


Participation together with Alexey Borisyonok in the performative seminar The Specific-Emotional (as part of ENCHA NT É ES), Tanzquartier Wien.


Participation in the research performative platform Live works vol.8, Centrale Fies (Dro, Italy).


Participation in Kyiv Biennial 2021; group exhibition "ODKSZTAŁCENIE / DEPHARMACY / UNLEARNING" in Poznań; a large-scale group exhibition "Every Day. Art. Solidarity. Resistance" in the Kiev Arsenal; in the collective exhibition "Secret Museum of the Labor Movement" at the Hoast space in Vienna.