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Domnich & Gelfand

Duet of Evelina Domnich and Dmitry Gelfand.

The works of the duo Dmitry Gelfand (born 1974 in St. Petersburg) and Evelina Domnich belong to art-science or scientific art, one of the newest trends in contemporary art. Representatives of scientific art differ from their colleagues in that they rethink the content of modern science and use research methods to create works of art. To do this, artists collaborate with scientists and scientific laboratories.

Their work is a symbiosis of art, physics, chemistry, computer science, philosophy and phenomenology. The results of experiments, especially in relation to wave phenomena, are used by artists to explore questions of perception.

Since 2000, Domnich and Gelfand have been working with modern science with the help of unusual experiments, as scientific knowledge, as they argue, is dramatically losing touch with the intellectual and creative processes in society. Through their work, artists try to draw our attention to physical phenomena that a person observes and feels directly, such as sound or light. So in their other work, Camera Lucida, they show sound in the form of luminous fields, passing it through an aquarium with water, where sound waves become visible in the streams of collapsing micro air bubbles.

The work of Domnich and Gelfand is largely based on the ideas of phenomenology and visual theory. The duet offers an alternative way of posing scientific questions, in which sensory experience precedes the creation of theoretical models, and not vice versa, as is often the case in theoretical physics. They also suggest using real images of physical phenomena in textbooks and popular science magazines, instead of their computer counterparts.



The duet's personal website .

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