eng Translation Pending Review

Exhibition Diploma

We present the announcement of the Diploma group exhibition, which we organize as part of the FAC project.

23.06 – 07.08.2015
The opening will take place on June 23, 2015 at 19:00

Gallery of contemporary art Ў
Free admission

Organiser of the exhibition:
Facultative course of Activist Criticism (FAC)

Gleb Amankulov , Siarhiej Babareka , Aleksei Borisionok , Anton Barysenka , Paulina Vitushchanka , Alesia Goloto , Zhanna Gladko , Adam Hlobus , Uladzimir Hramovich , Mikhail Gulin , Andrei Dureika , Alesia Zhitkevich , Ales Kudriashov , Michail Mishuk , Ales Pushkin , Ludmila Rusova , Tanja Setsko , Igor Tishin , Genadz Khatskevich , Sergey Shabohin and a lot others.

Diploma is a group exhibition organized by the resource Faculty of Activism Criticism (FAC) together with graduates Belarusian State Academy of Arts 2015: Alesya Goloto, Vladimir Gramovich, Alesya Zhitkevich, Ales Kudryashov, Gleb Amankulov and others.

The Diploma exhibition is also a gesture against the hassle-free, spiritual and pretentious exhibition in honor of the 70th anniversary of the Academy, which, instead of analyzing its own history, reproduces its own conservatism.

In the first lecture of the FAC educational course, the question was raised: "Why Does an Artist Need a Diploma from the Academy?" Since the 1970s, BSAA students have begun to express their dissatisfaction with the quality of education, pedagogical ethics, lack of knowledge about the contemporary cultural process and ignoring the current context. Everything remains in its place today: the teachers of the academy are forced to hone their craft, completely ignoring the task of preparing students for professional life after graduation. About the history and theory of art of the XX–XXI centuries, modern practices and trends in art and how to integrate into the professional environment, students can learn only through parallel self-education.

The exhibition will feature works by students who are graduating from the academy this year. During the project, these students will defend their diplomas at the Academy of Arts. The exhibition is an attempt to reflect on the problems of art education, persistent myths about mastery, genius and the sublime.

In addition, the curatorial group will present an archive of practices of criticism, resistance and student reflection on the status of the academy: key works of art, actions, exhibitions and spontaneous protests. Archive, which consists of artifacts, documents, photographs and works of artists of different generations (Zhanna Gladko, Mikhail Gulin, Andrey Dureiko, Ales Pushkin, Lyudmila Rusova, Tanya Setsko, Gennady Khatskevich, Igor Tishin, Sergey Shabohin and many others), starting from 1970 -x and up to our time, will be built into a special design. The narrative gives an idea of the history of criticism of the academy, the education system, the availability of knowledge about the practices of modernist and contemporary art.

During accompanying events*, student tours of the exhibition and a discussion on art education in Belarus are planned.

*The program of accompanying events will be announced later.

The organization of the exhibition took place in the way of horizontal curation (open communication, consensus, non-hierarchical), which implies a model of education and work that is radically different from the usual schemes of the academy. In addition to the students themselves, Alexey Borisyonok, Anton Borisenko, Zhanna Gladko, Andrey Dureiko, Mikhail Mishuk, Tanya Setsko, Sergey Shabohin took part in the preparation of the exhibition.

Special thanks for the help in collecting the archive to Sergey Babareka, Adam Globus, Andrey Dureika.


  • Gleb Amankulov
  • Siarhiej Babareka
  • Aleksei Borisionok
  • Anton Barysenka
  • Paulina Vitushchanka
  • Алеся Голото
  • Zhanna Gladko
  • Adam Hlobus
  • Uladzimir Hramovich
  • Mikhail Gulin
  • Andrei Dureika
  • Alesia Zhitkevich
  • Александр Кудряшов
  • Михаил Мишук
  • Ales Pushkin
  • Ludmila Rusova
  • Tanja Setsko
  • Igor Tishin
  • Genadz Khatskevich
  • Sergey Shabohin
  • Y gallery (Ў)
  • Facultative course of Activist Criticism (FAC)
  • Belarusian State Academy of Arts